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tour had ended last week and it felt weird not being on the road with the boys. some of them, like smoke, bexey and tracy stuck around but others had places to go and things to do. i get it though, they're 'celebrities' and they're busy, it's how life works. right now bexey and gus were working on some music so i hung out with jazz and his girl.

"christmas is coming up, so what do y'all want?" tracy said.

"tracy you don't gotta get me nothin." i said.

"i just want a necklace with your name one it." his girl said.

"i gotchu baby but for real, what do you want dani?"

"nothin jazz. i'm fr."

"i'll just ask gus what to buy you then." tracy said walking out the door.

"gus is recording right now." i told tracy.

"so what." he said busting up in the recording room.

"peep what should i get dani for christmas?"

"me in a box." he laughed.

"you both suck." tracy said looking at me and gus. we laughed as he walked off.

"come here baby." peep said holding out his arms. i shuffled to him and jumped in his lap with a big smile on my face.

"gross guys get a room." bexey said.

"fuck off bex." i said. i kissed peep and cuddled myself into him. 

"i missed you baby." gus said squeezing me tight.

"i missed you more." i said kissing his cheek

"just get married already." bexey said annoyed. gus picked me up and walked out of the room.

"i want you to have my kids." gus whispered in my ear as he dropped me on our bed.

"for right now i just want your kids in my throat." i said back, grabbing on the waistband to his jeans.

"let me put a baby in you." he begged.

"gus you don't want a kid i promise." i said.

"if it's with you i do." he said.

"gus i don't want a kid right now." i said, rolling out from under him.

"i knew it." he said.

"knew what?" i replied.

"you don't really love me." he said standing up.

"oh just because i don't want to have a kid right now that means i don't love you. you must be smoking dick if you really think that. you're acting stupid gustav." i said, ending with his whole first name so he knew i was serious.

"it clearly means you don't love me that much. if you love someone you're supposed to want to have kids with them." he said. this was all making no sense.

"gus you really sound dumb right now." i said standing up off the bed.

"get out." he said.

"what?" i asked.

"get the fuck out!" he said raising his voice. i looked at him in disbelief but soon realized he was serious. i gathered a few of my things and slammed his door on the way out.

"dani where are you going?" bexey asked.

"somewhere that's not here." i mumbled.

"i think you just need to stay here." bexey said.

"no i need some fresh air." i replied.

"alright be safe." bexey said.

i walked out of the house and got in my car. i just started driving wherever. my surroundings became unrecognizable and my car started to slow down. great, now my car is out of gas and i don't know where the hell i am. i picked up my phone and did something 10 times more stupid than leaving peep's house, i called diego.

"who's this?" he said.

"diego." i mumbled.

"oh ma wassup?" he laughed.

"my car broke down." i cried. 

"where you at? lemme come get you." he said. it's like he sounded worried.

i gave him my location and about 15 minutes later he pulled up and told me to get in. i cautiously got in the car and sat far away from diego. he told me how he changed and how he felt like a terrible person for what he's put me through. i didn't believe a word he said but something made me run back to him. all i knew is that if peep ever found out who i was with right now he'd kill me and him.

"diego can you take me back to peep's?" i asked.

"yea of course." he said.

next thing i knew he was pulling into the driveway of peep's house and fear struck me as i saw peep on the porch. he was staring directly at the car and realized who i was in the car with. he started walking towards us quickly so i got out of the car and told diego to drive away. he didn't follow my orders but instead decided to get out of the car.

"you're fucking kidding me right?" he said. he looked so hurt that i was with him.

"am i not good enough for you? am i really that terrible that you had to hang out with someone who beat and raped you?" peep yelled. bexey, smoke, and tracy now stood behind peep, ready to jump if needed. i just stood with my head down and tears falling down my face.

"it's not rape when you like it. she was wet as fuck when i stuck it in." diego said smugly and next thing i knew all four boys were on diego just going ham.

"guys stop!" i yelled. everyone stopped but gus. blood was flinging all over him. smoke and tracy pulled gus off of diego and bexey carried me inside while i cried in his arms

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