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summer was right around the corner. that means i couldn't get away with wearing hoodies out anymore. not that they covered anything, but it was a nice crutch. i already heard the buzz about my baby bump since the last time i went out with gus. that was the last time i've seen him and the last time i left the house. but he texted me that he wanted to take me to lunch to "talk about stuff".

"dani, gus is here!" justin yelled. the boys weren't too happy i was hanging out with him, but they were just looking out for my well being.

"okay hang on!" i yelled.

i stuffed my foot in my timbs and looked in the mirror to make sure i looked fine. once i was fine with how i looked, i headed downstairs with a smile on my face. my smile faded when i saw the red head from the pictures standing next to him. she was so skinny. i pulled at my shirt in discomfort as we stared at each other

"uh dani, this is bella." he said.

"hey!" she said hugging me. i did not want this whore touching me.

"gus what the hell is this?" austin said.

"hear me out." he said.

"this is not happening. dani go back to the room, i'll handle this." austin said.

"austin i'm a big girl." i said rolling my eyes.

"i'm sorry about him, i'm dani." i said, plastering a fake smile across my face. gus could read me like a book but she couldn't.

"yea i've heard a lot about you!" she said. i wanted to kill her on the spot. of course she heard about me. there's no possible way she didn't know me and gus were together when she fucked around with him.

"easy." gus whispered.

"fuck you." i whispered.

"i know you guys made the trip out here but i'm not feeling so well. i think i need to stay home." i said.

"oh okay! maybe another time?" she said. just smile and nod. smile and nod.

"can you go start the car? i'll be down in a second i just want to talk to dani." he said, handing her the keys then she took off.

"gus what the fuck is this?" i whisper yelled. i didn't want to alert my brothers.

"dani listen i'm sorry. bella is really cool." he said.

"you're sorry?! it's bad enough i have to see this shit on social media gus. do not bring that bitch around again. i thought this whole being friends thing was going to work out but i see i made a mistake. why would you even think that was okay?" i said, still keeping my voice low but stern.

"dani i don't have time to argue with you." he said monotonous.

"oh now you don't have time for me? okay fuck you. i'll be by later today to get the rest of my shit." i said, crossing my arms.

"dani you know i didn't mean it like that." he said reaching out for me.

"no, i know exactly how you meant it. have fun with your whore." i said. he sighed and left, slamming the door on the way out.

"you didn't go?" austin said.

"i-he-she." i couldn't speak. my words became jumbled and i started to feel nauseous.

"dani are you okay?" he asked.

"i just want to go to bed." i sighed.

so i took a short nap and when i woke i asked austin to take me to gus' house. when we got there everyone but gus and bella were excited to see me. bexey asked all kinds of questions about the baby and smoke gave me all kinds of name suggestions. i didn't see tracy anywhere so i figured once i got my stuff i'd ask smoke where he was.

"dylan?" i asked.

"in here." he yelled.

"hey where's tracy!" i said.

"gus and him have been going at it since he started fuckin' with that bella chick. tracy is super pissed and bexey and i have been the only people that can keep them from killing each other. we're all mad at gus but if we don't play mediator we'll all be dead." he said.

"where is he staying?" i said.

"oh he's in his room. he never really comes out much anymore unless it to piss, shower or eat. i'm sure he'd love to see you." he said.

"thanks smoke." i said hugging him. i made my way to tracy's room and cautiously knocked on his door. i creaked it open to see him laying on his bed, in the dark, with soft music playing.

"hey jazz." i said.

"dani!" he said sitting up. i looked around the room and my eyes landed on the 2 lines of coke sitting on a mirror.

"jazz what is this?" i asked walking over to it. he promised us he quit.

"don't worry about me, how are you?"

"jazz seriously, you promised." i said. my heart broke.

"i know dani, i've just been stressed with shit. gus is pissing me off."

"tracy that stuff is going to kill you." i said.

"i know." he said. his head in his hands.

"i love you tracy." i said. he stood up and hugged me.

"i love you too dani." he said.

"dani i know gus sucks and i've tried to support him and make excuses for him but there's no excuse for this. this baby is going to be my main priority. uncle jazz is gonna love him more than anyone ever will."

"thank you." i said. we hugged once more and i went to my brothers to go back in hiding.

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