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liza and i sat on the couch and watched some funny movie on netflix. her and i had become quite close the past few days i've been here. i've never experienced having a real mother but she made me feel like i was her own. she's the only person gus would leave me alone with so we've been spending a lot of time together.

"my mama and baby mama." gus said sitting between us.

"no, no, no. no babies yet. i'm too young to be a grandmother." liza said and i giggled.

"too bad mama." he said sending me a wink.

"because i'm gonna put some kid-" he started. i threw his hand over his mouth.

"gus!" i said wide eyed.

"he definitely will not be doing that." i laughed.

"no grand babies." liza said pointing at gus.

"fine fine." he said sighing.

"one day though, she's gonna carry your grandkids." he said smiling.

"well i'm glad it'll be her. they'll be beautiful." she said.

"are you hitting on my lady mama?" peep asked holding me close to him.

liza, gus and i talked for a little more until gus started to get sleepy. he was like a child when he got tired, really cranky. i was mid conversation with liza when gus picked me up and just walked off with me. i yelled goodnight to liza and let him carry me off to the room.

"baby i'm not tired." i whined. gus dropped me on my back onto the bed.

"neither am i." he said getting on top of me.

"but i am hungry." he said, grabbing the waistband of my sweats.

"gus i haven't shaven." i said.

"baby do it look like i care?" he said pulling off my sweats and underwear all in one.

"daddy's hungry. open up." he said.

i opened my legs and he let out a low moan. he dipped his head down and my hands instantly flew to his hair. i threw my head back as he began to suck and swivel his tongue around my heat. i let out a moan and his free hand flew to my mouth. he stopped what he was doing and placed a finger over his lips. he took off my hoodie and bra then just stood over me, looking at me in awe.

"you're so beautiful." he mumbled then attached his lips to my nipple.

i was completely naked under his clothed body but i didn't mind. i was completely comfortable with being naked around gus. his hand made its way to my throat and gently wrapped around it. he moved my head to the side and started to give my neck wet kisses which sent chills down my spine.

finally his hoodie came off his body and my hands found their way to his naked torso. i stuck my hands down his pants and started giving him a handjob while his lips were on mine. i flipped us over and made my way down his torso. instead of letting me give him head he pulled me up and had me straddling his lap.

"you should let me nut in you." he mumbled.

"gus i'm not on birth control." i said rolling my eyes.

"plan b baby." he laughed. i rolled my eyes and helped him slip off his pants.

of course gus got his way because i could never say no to him. around 2 in the morning me and gus snuck out of the house to go to CVS. i begged him to get it as soon as possible because i was not trying to give birth to his child yet. i took the pill as soon as we got back.

"dani." peep whined. i stood in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

"danielle." he whined again. i sighed and turned out the light in the bathroom. i walked out and he had stripped himself of everything but his underwear.

"cuddle." he said. i rolled my eyes at him and crawled into bed next to him.

i hoped it stayed like this forever. i hope he doesn't get bored of me and start fucking random girls again. i hope i'm good enough for him to stay with me forever. i laid in silence until i felt my anxiety clawing at my lungs.

"what's wrong princess?" gus mumbled when he felt my breathing speed up.

"i just, wonder if like two people can stay together for good." i mumbled, feeling ashamed.

"baby i won't leave you." he said playing with my hair.

"i just need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever." i said trying to slow my breathing.

"it's not easy but it's possible." gus said.

"go to sleep princess. i'll see you in the morning." he said, kissing my forehead.

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