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so that night when i got home diego had bought me a range rover and i cried. i tried to tell him to give it back but he wouldn't budge. it's been over 2 weeks since that night, diego's bruises are almost all healed up and i've lost a lot of weight. i haven't been able to eat without throwing up. plus me and diego have been fighting on and off for the past week. it's making everything so damn hectic.

"ma you okay?" diego asked for the millionth time today.

"i'm fine diego." i grumbled.

"want something to eat?" he asked. i shook my head and continued to type my instagram caption.


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danibaby can't tell what i'm losing faster myself or my weight.

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"what's wrong." diego asked

"nothing diego. jesus fucking christ." i said annoyed.

"you better watch who the fuck you're talking to." he said

"bro shut the fuck up. you're fucking annoying." i said. he grabbed me by the throat and looked me in the eyes.

"watch who the fuck you're talking to." he said. i was on my back and he had me pinned down.

"diego fr i'm not in the mood." i said. i struggled against his weight.

"i don't care. watch how you talk to me." he said real serious this time. he squeezed my neck till i couldn't breathe and held it for a few seconds then released it. i lied on the couch shook as fuck and breathing heavily as diego got in the shower.

to bex👹: plz come get me from diego's. my car isn't here and i don't have money for an uber. we're fighting. plz hurry.
from bex👹: i'm omw. i'll b there in a few.

i sighed in relief and gathered my stuff up before diego got out of the shower. i went outside to wait for bexey so when i saw him pull up i got in the car as quick as possible. he didn't say anything until we were parked in a McDonald's parking lot and he turned on the light.

"what happened!" he said moving my jaw to look at my neck.

"nothing." i said, quickly covering my neck as best as i could with my hair. i didn't realize there were bruises on my neck.

"dani what did he do? i'll kill him." bexey said looking me in the eyes.

"it's nothing bex. please just take me home." i begged.

"well gus wants mcdicks and i'm not letting you stay home alone so you can stay in my room tonight." he said.

i didn't argue with him because there was no use. i was staying with him no matter what i said. i sat in the car and played $uicideboy$ until bexey came back. he got me fries and i nibbled on them until we got to the house. gus and tracy were on the front porch smoking a blunt and i was nervous to get out of the car.

"hey it's just gus. don't be scared okay? i won't let anything happen to you." bexey said grabbing the bag of food and the drinks out of my lap. i shyly got out of the car and followed close behind bexey.

"bexey who's the gi-is that dani?" i heard gus say.

"hi." i squeaked.

"come here." he said quietly. he hugged me so gently as if he would break me if he squeezed too hard.

after the hug we all went inside and ate. bexey and tracy left me and gus alone for a bit to talk. i didn't eat too much but i had a lot more than i've had the past 3 days. gus was in a really good mood today and it made me happy. i was scared of the angry gus.

"dani what's on your neck." gus said furrowing his eyebrows.

"nothing." i said. i didn't want him to get angry.

"let me see!" he said reaching for me.

"it's nothing gus." i said moving away from him.

"what happened?" he said quietly.

"nothing gus please." i whimpered.

"just let me see." he begged. i removed my hands away from my neck and he moved my hair out of his way.

"that's a hand print! did he do that? i swear i'll kill him. dani you can't go back to him." gus said.

"gus it was an accident. he's still my boyfriend and you can't get mad at me for it. you had your chance." i said softly. i didn't want to make him upset.

"i know." he said. he looked like he was filled with shame and regret.

"i'm supposed to be sleeping in bexey's room but do you mind if i just lay with you for one last night." i said looking in his eyes.

"of course boo. you got one more chance at a night like this." he said, whispering in my ear.



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