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"gus wait!" i said breaking myself away from tracy.

"is this some sick joke?" he yelled.

"gus calm down. it's not what it looked like." i cried.

"then explain!" he yelled.

"i will as soon as you stop fucking yelling at me."

"fuck you." he laughed. he took off out the back exit and left me by myself.

i didn't know what to do. i just stood still in disbelief for long. i couldn't remember how long but i just remember someone trying to talk to me. it was wiggy. he helped me into his car and drove me to his apartment.

"i can take you home." wigs said.

"no that's okay. i just want to go to bed." i said yawning.

"do you want to smoke?" he asked. i thought about it and i nodded my head.

"thank you wigs." i said hugging him.

i watched him roll up a blunt and hand it to me. he told me i could have that one all to myself. i sparked the blunt and we talked for a while. he turned on a movie and i lied my head on his shoulder. he didn't speak which i was grateful for. i wasn't in much of a mood to talk.

next thing i know i'm waking up with my head in his lap and him asleep sitting up. it wasn't a "i have a crush on you" vibe but more of "i love you like a little sister" vibe. i sat up carefully, not trying to wake him, and checked my phone. i had a ton of missed calls and texts from gus and liza.

"wigs." i mumbled. he groaned but ultimately got up and stretched.

"hey." he said smiling.

"can you take me home? peep and liza have been blowing up my phone." i asked, he nodded.

"i'm gonna change. do you want shorts or a hoodie or something?" he asked.

"both please." he smiled and jogged to his room and came back a minute or two later with a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"thank you." i said.

"bathroom is down the hall, third door on the right." he said and i nodded.

we didn't talk much the whole ride home but once we got to the house i looked at it scared. he got out and walked me to the front door. when i walked in to the house it was oddly quiet. i didn't hear eli crying or music or any type of noise at all.

"it's been forever since i've been here it feels like." wiggy said.

"danielle." i heard the anger in gus' voice. i was scared.

"peep man hey!" wiggy said.

"i didn't see you much at the show last night."

"i don't have time for small talk right now. me and my girlfriend need to have a conversation." gus said. he didn't once look at wigs, but instead burned holes in me.

"gus don't do this." wiggy said.

"this isn't any of your business!" he yelled.

"take a deep breath." wiggy said.

"fuck you!" he yelled. i didn't hear eli's cries. i was worried.

"where is my son?" i asked.

"my mother took him out." he snarled.

"hey lets all calm down." wiggy said.

"it's okay wigs, you can go. i'm a big girl, i can handle it."

"call me if you need anything." he said.

"thanks." i mumbled. he left out the house and gus and i stared at one another.

"gus you really need to learn how to control your anger." i said.

"and you really need to learn how to stop being a whore!"

"really gus? im a whore. nothing happened. get over yourself!" i yelled.

"peep!" i heard a girls voice and his face turned ghostly white. i dialed liza's number and she answered.

"hey dani!" she said.

"where are you?" i asked.

"me and eli are at the park right now, why?"

"because i'm coming to get my son and we're going to my brothers house." i said.

"dani what's going on?" she asked.

"can you meet me here in about 15 minutes?" i asked.

"sure. do you want me to drive you?"

"no that's okay. i'm sorry to do this."

"no that's okay. gus and i will talk when you leave."

i apologized again and pushed past gus then ran up the stairs. i saw a girl laying in our bed in one of his shirts. i shook my head at the girl and started gathering my stuff up. i heard gus' footsteps and i prepared myself for an argument.

"you're not taking my son dani."

"your son gus? you have disrespected me and i will not have my son be around random girls i don't know. don't forget that YOU cheated!" i yelled. the girl watched baffled.

"dani stop." gus said.

"no fuck you. get your act together and maybe i'll stop. i'm fucking tired of this shit gus!" my voice echoed through the house.

"dani sweetheart!" liza yelled. i looked gus in the eyes and then swiftly walked down the stairs.

"thank again liza. i'm sorry i have to do this. you can come see him whenever you want. gus and i are taking a really long break." i said. she just hugged me. she didn't say one word.

"keep my grandson safe." liza said kissing his forehead and then mine.

"i will. i love you." i said hugging her again.

"i love you too. i'm going to wear gus a new one." she said.

"you do that. come visit whenever." i said. i handed eli back to liza for a second so i could grab our bags and then i took him back.

gus called me a lot on my drive to my brothers.
at least 10 times in a span of 5 minutes. i put my phone on do not disturb and pulled into my brothers house. they were ready to kill gus. i assured them i was fine and that all we needed was some time and space away. but who knew it was all almost over.

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