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November 9th (night)

i looked at my reflection in this mirror and for once didn't hate the way i looked. for once in the past weeks i was happy to leave the house. happy to feel free from the confines of my brothers' house. i walked out of the house with more confidence than i could handle.


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danibaby shame on me, no shame on u

lilgustav holy shit look who's fucking back. ICON
babygussie jesus you look so good. how does one bounce back from having a baby like that.
laylaahr fucking ugly bitch
claud9 god you're so hot. i miss you.
bexeyswan you look beautiful dani.
view all comments...

i got in my car and drove to the nearest bar. i walked in, went straight to the bar, and placed my jacket on the back of the chair. when i sat down i made eye contact with a black haired, cool drink of water. i took my eyes away from him and called the bartender over.

"a glass of whisky please." i said meekly. i haven't ordered anything at a bar in months.

"of course sweetheart." she said.

"you know that boy over there hasn't taken his eyes off you." she said placing the glass in front of me.

"i know, i can feel his eyes." i laughed. out of the corner of my eyes i saw him stand up and make his way over to me.

"excuse me." he said. his perfect teeth showed as his half grinned at me.

"is this seat taken?" he said. i giggled and shook my head.

"well not if you sit." i said. he took a seat.

"brandon." he said holding out his hand.

"dani." i said. he smiled and kissed my hand.

"beautiful name." he said.

"thank you." i said.

"not to be weird or anything but didn't you date lil peep." he asked. i sighed.

"yea." i said bluntly.

"don't you have a kid with him?" he asked.

"yes." i said rolling my eyes.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. i was just curious and when i've had a few i guess my mouth has no filter." he said.

there was silence and i took this opportunity to really take in his appearance. he was dressed in all black and it didn't stop at his hair. his eyes were ice blue. his hands were covered in rings and he had a silver cross necklace. his nails were painted black and his hands were covered in tattoos.

"so dani tell me about yourself." he said. his perfect smile shone at me.

"well there isn't much to tell." i said.

"tell me about eli." he said smiling.

"you really want to hear about my kid?" i chuckled.

"yea why not? i love kids." he said smiling.

"oh my god i took the cutest pictures of him the other day!"

i showed him pictures and we spent a long time talking at the bar. by the end of the night it was 2:30 and we both were really drunk. his hand was on my thigh and his eyes were glued to my lips. i ran my fingers along his jawline and my eyes locked with his.

"let's go outside. i need a cigarette." i said getting up and grabbing my jacket

i walked outside without even looking to see if he was behind me. i pulled my cigarette out of the pack and lit it when i heard him come out.

"can you spare one?" he asked. i pulled one out of the pack and handed it to him.

"need a light?" i asked.

"please." he said.

we sat in a comfortable silence for a while. for long enough that we both had finished our cigarettes. i felt his eyes undressing me. i turned my body to look at him and when we made eye contact it was like something took over me. in seconds my lips were glued to his. my hands were roaming his body and everything was happening so quick.

"let's go back to mine?" he said, his voice raspy and breathy.

"okay." i breathed.

sober me would never go home with some random guy when my baby was at home. but my mind was jaded and all i was thinking about was his hands on my body. he shook me from my thoughts when he told me just to follow him so i didn't have to pick my car up. i wasn't sure if i could drive to be honest.

i shot my brothers a quick text saying i wasn't going to be home tonight. then, i started my car and followed his small black car out of the parking lot. my vision was doubled but i made it to his house. i parked on the street and met him at his car.

there wasn't much word exchanged until we made it to his bed. he was very rough and demanding and i couldn't really tell if i liked it. i mean sure i liked if when it was gus but it didn't feel right with brandon. but this was a step towards moving on from gus. it was a step towards moving myself away from that toxic love.

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