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i'm 12 weeks and we have the gender appointment with the doctor. i've been nervous about this since gus made the appointment. i know it seems weird that he makes all of the appointments but he won't let me do it. he "wants to help" is what he tells me. he barely lets me make my own food. he's been nothing but helpful.

"ready?" gus said.

"i suppose." i said getting up from the bed. i slipped on my slides and followed him to the car.

"baby." gus said.

"yes gussie?" i said.

"we get to start picking out names after today!" he said with a smile on his face.

"aw baby you're such a headass." i laughed.

"shut up." he said. he reached over and grabbed my hand with his.

"tracy is taking me to get a tattoo today after the appointment. i might get two." i said smirking at him.

"ooo baby what are you getting." he asked.

"it's a secret." i replied.

"don't play that game with me." he groaned.

"you'll just have to wait babycakes." i laughed.

we pulled up to the doctors and he opened my door for me. he held my hand throughout the waiting and when the doctor was setting things up.

"okay it's going to be cold." the doctor said smiling at me. i hissed at the cold liquid placed on my stomach.

"alright do you guys want to know the sex or are you waiting." the doctor asked. i looked at gus and and he nodded at me.

"we'd like to know now." i said meekly.

"okay from what i'm seeing here it's a boy!" he said and i felt tears coming on. gus just hugged me and i let the tears fall.

"congratulations guys. your baby boy is healthy and growing perfectly." the doctor said and walked out.

"a boy!" gus said excitedly.

"a boy." i whispered placing a hand on my stomach and smiling at it.

gus and i left the doctors office and got home happier than ever. now that my bump was showing it was harder and harder to hide it from everyone but i was trying my best. i had one of gus' really big hoodies on to go get my tattoo with tracy but as soon as we got in the car he asked:

"dani are you pregnant?"

"what?" i said.

"are you going to have gus' kid?" he said clearer.

"why?" i said looking at my lap.

"it's either you're pregnant or just gaining weight but i know you're pregnant. boy or girl?" he asked.

"it's a boy. we found out today." i mumbled.

"congrats but i wish you told us." tracy said pulling into the parking lot for the tattoo place.

"we haven't even told gus' mom." i argued.

"who all knows?" he asked.

"you and bex and that's it." i said.

"i won't tell anyone but you need to tell everyone in the house soon. it'll cause more harm than good. now back to what really matters. here's the tattoo i designed for you." he said, handing me a piece of paper. it was a rose stem but a skull on top instead of the flower. the end had blood dripping from stem.

"this is so cute. i was actually scared it'd be some weird thing."

"you should get it on your forearm." he said.

"if you think i should then i will." i said. he smiled at me and we walked into the shop.

"i'm getting two." i said.

"really?" tracy said.

"yea i'm getting a tattoo for gus." i said smirking.

"that's kinda risky."

"i mean it's not like he isn't my baby's father. it's okay." i laughed.

"fine if you say so." he laughed.

it took about an hour and a half for the tattoo tracy wanted me to get. then, only like 30 minutes to get the one i wanted for gus. once i got home gus kept trying to get the bandages off to look at my tattoos but i wouldn't let him. i told him he had to wait for a while.

"baby." gus said. i was laying on his chest.

"what gussie." i said. i was just about asleep.

"are you hungry?" he said. i smiled but shook my head no. he's such a boyfriend.

"i can order chinese." he said.

"i'm not hungry but your son is." i laughed. i struggled to sit up and just flopped down with a huff.

"i'm getting too fat." i cried.

"baby you're not fat." gus said.

"i can't even sit up." i said. tears were leaving my eyes now.

"baby stop." gus said putting his hand on my belly.

"i think you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen in my entire life. and now you're even twice as beautiful because you're growing my son in your belly. you're not fat baby, you're pregnant. now let me order you food. my son is hungry." gus said then kissed my stomach. he helped me up and then called the chinese place.

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