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"gus stop." i laughed as his hands attacked my sides.

"say it!" he laughed.

"no fuck you!" i giggled finally escaping from his grip. i opened his door and took off giggling until i bumped into someone.

"oh my god i'm so sor- what the fuck?" i said looking at layla in front of me.

"layla get the fuck out." peep said. he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my head.

"gus i need you." she begged.

"bitch you heard him. get out." i said. i started to get annoyed.

"gus can't you see she can't give you what i can." she pleaded.

"layla you're bac- ohhh shit." wicca said but slowly backed into the room he was already in.

"five minutes. just to talk. please gus." she said.

"i can assure you he do-" i started.

"five minutes layla. no funny shit. dani go wait in my room." he said.

"you're kidding right? like you're actually joking?" i looked at him.

"danielle." he warned.

"you're unbelievable." i let out a breathy laugh and shook my head. i went to jazz's room and sat and talked with him. we talked about peep and bexey and my brothers. jazz was my favorite out of everyone because he was just so great. like just so unpurely pure.

"dani." jazz said looking up from his phone.

"jazz." i said, mimicking his actions.

"believe it or not, peep is so fuckin' in love with you. he was in love with layla but you're different. he's happy with you." he said while rolling a blunt.

"that's bullshit." i said crossing my arms.

"it's the truth ma." he said.

"whatever." i said. i got up to find peep but when i got to his room i heard moans. i busted open the door and there layla was sucking gus' dick.

"lose my number." i said. i slammed the door so hard it damn near broke.

i didn't cry this time. instead i drove home with a mind full of anger. of course i was sad but was i going to show it? not anymore. i'm going to do fine without him. this was the last straw. he can fuck whoever the fuck he wants now because i'm done. i stopped in the parking lot of a bar and deleted the picture of him i posted.


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danibaby all alone again. alone forever now.

gbcbitch NOOOO:(((
peepfan good bitch.
babygus we still love u dani:/
xanxiety dm me ma👀
lovegbc nooo. gus is being DUMB.
ilovegus what??? noo. i'm so sad.
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toopoor posted a photo.


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toopoor told you bitch.

laylamyluv he better stay with you this time.
gothbitch my mommmm
gotchabitch QUEEN.
luvdies lowkey dani is better but if that's what he wants....
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i looked through the comments on layla's picture and laughed at all the comments throwing shade. even they knew i was better. i clicked on her profile and blocked her then i blocked peep on everything. i didn't want anything to do with him anymore. he's hurt me too many times.

i was looking at my comments and saw one by @xanxiety and clicked on his profile. lil xan. i looks through his pictures and was kinda digging his style. i decided dming him was a good thing to get my mind off of gus.

hey :)

wassup ma;)

nun wassup w you 😋

nun. lemme take you out ma.
get to know you sum.

bet. when you tryna link?

how bout i give you an hour
to get ready and i'll slide?

i gave this random guy my address and then i started to get ready. this probably wasn't a good idea but i wanted to look cute anyway just in case paparazzi caught us out. because of gus i've kinda been getting a lot of attention in the media and i wasn't too fond of it.

but anyway, as soon as i finished getting ready he texted me and told me he was outside. i pulled my phone off the charger and grabbed my wallet then walked outside. i saw him sitting on the front of his car. when he realized i came out he had a big smile on his face.

"damn ma." he said looking me up and down.

"thanks." i said blushing.

"don't look so nervous." said grabbing my hand and leading me to his car. he opened the door for me and helped me in.

the night with diego was different than any night with gus. he made me feel wanted and after the night was over he came back to my house and we watched a movie until i fell asleep on him. he was sweet and it was a nice change from gus.

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