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i went to visit my brothers since it had been a while and gus had to stay back to work on music. he had a few shows too. i missed him like crazy. in the beginning i wouldn't have trusted to leave him but now he's my fiancé. jesus it still seems so surreal. the whole marriage thing. it doesn't feel like something i could've ever felt with gus. maybe he realized it was time for him to settle down.

"austin don't tell her!" i heard justin tell from the other room. the door was closed but i could still hear the argument.

"austin she has to know! this boy has been nothing but heartbreak to her the entire time! you just want me to act like i didn't see it? i can't and won't treat my sister like that!" austin yelled. i got up and made my way to the room.

"she has to know what?" i said. i caught a glance of something on the computer before justin slammed it shut.

"what's going on?" i said. i walked over to grab the computer from justin but he moved it away.

"austin tell me!" i said

"don't you dare!" justin yelled.

"shut up!" i yelled.

"dani gus is cheating again." austin said, looking at the floor.

"okay funny joke." i said. justin huffed and opened his laptop.

i froze

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i froze. i started shaking then felt a sharp pain in my stomach. i say down on the bed and my breathing became uneven and i felt like i was spinning. i was trying to think why he would do this. i thought he was happy with me. my vision was blurry but i looked down at the ring on my finger. i couldn't even cry. another sharp pain shot through my stomach and i stood up.

"dani you're bleeding!" one of them yelled. i looked down at my legs and saw blood trickling down them. i felt dizzy and then i don't remember anything after that. just darkness.


i panicked when i woke up. i just remember blood and gus cheating. i felt for my stomach and looked around. austin and justin were asleep next to my bed. i noticed where i was. i was in the hospital. i pressed for the nurse button and a few minutes later there stood a short, fit, blonde woman.

"hi i'm cassie, your nurse. did you need something?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"is my baby okay? is he going to be okay?" i panicked.

"your baby boy is going to be just fine. i will tell you that the bleeding was due to stress. when you fainted your brothers said you hit your head pretty hard, so
you do have quite the concussion but the baby will be fine. i just recommend you stay in bed rest and drink a lot of water." she said.

"thank you so much." i said.

"i'll go grab your discharge papers and we'll get you out of here as quick as possible." she said smiling.

"thank you." i said as she left.

"austin and justin get up." i said.

"dani?" a voice i didn't want to hear say.

"did you guys call him?" i said. i couldn't look him in the eye.

"i did." justin mumbled.

"gus i don't want to talk to you right now. please leave." i said. i still couldn't look at him.

"dani i know it may hav-"

"no gus. i don't need this right now. i'm stressed as it is. i do not need you adding to it. you act as if you haven't done this to yourself. you knew what you did was wrong gus. please just go." i said all in a calm voice. i had done this too many times to get angry. and to think we were going to live happily ever after. as if.

"gus i think it's time to go." austin said. out of the corner of my eye i saw him look at me.

"i'm sorry." he said. his voice cracked. i closed my eyes and held back the tears that wanted to spill out since i saw the picture.

"okay dani i think we have everything settled. alright so your big brothers here are gonna take good care of you. the doctor has told them what you need and how to take care of you. just fill these papers out and you'll be free to go." cassie said.

"thank you." i said sucking up my tears and pasting on a smile.

i filled out the papers and justin and austin practically carried me to the car. when we got home i wanted nothing but to be alone and they were being helicopter parents. i finally snapped and told them i needed space but before i knew it justin was peaking gus head in my room.

"gus is here." he said.

"tell him i don't want to talk." i mumbled. he left my door cracked and i got up. i peaked out the door to hear and see what was going on.

"she said she doesn't want to talk to you." justin said coldly.

"please justin. let me in. i really need to talk to my fiancée." he said.

"i can't gus and you know that. please don't make me get aggressive." justin said. gus and i made eye contact and i shut the door. i lied back on my bed and let the tears i've been holding back all day fall.

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