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peep has a concert tonight and i was going. i loved seeing him at his concerts because i know that on stage he is truly happy. though his words may not be i know that all the people that come and support him make him happy.

from Peepers🐣💔: where r u??
to Peepers🐣💔: i'm leaving now

i sighed and grabbed my purse then walked out the door. i felt like i looked the absolute worst but peep probably wouldn't even see me. he never sees me at his shows.

i pulled up to the venue and sat in the car for another 5 minutes. i wanted to see him before his set but i know he gets in a mood around me before his shows. i walked up to the bar when i got inside and took about 3 shots before squeezing my way through the crowd. to say i was nervous would be an understatement.

from Peepers🐣💔: what r u doing in tha crowd baby. you got back stage passes.
to Peepers🐣💔: oh i didn't knw.
from Peepers🐣💔: bexey is gonna come get you.
to Peepers🐣💔: okay.

i sighed and waited a few minutes before bexey snuck in the crowd and pulled me out of the crowd. he dragged me all the way backstage and peep gave me a big hug. i haven't seen peep act like this in forever.

"i missed you." he mumbled into my hair.

"get a room!" tracy yelled. peep held his hand up, flipping them off, but still hugged me. we stood in the same position for a couple minutes until someone came to let them know 5 minutes until they were on. peep grabbed a xan off the table and swallowed.

"here's lil peep!" the host yelled. the crowd went wild and it made me smile. peep dragged me out with his arm around me and started singing crybaby.

"she say i'm a crybaby, i can't be up lately. girl you drive me crazy, AMG mercedes. speeding down the highway, lookin at the street lights. geekin on a friday." he jumped around and sung. he stopped and looked at me.

"i can never sleep right knowin i hurt you, i don't deserve you

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"i can never sleep right knowin i hurt you, i don't deserve you. i shoulda curved you, i know i'm the worst boo." he hugged me and the crowd's screams got louder. everyone else came on stage and jumped around with us.


after the show everyone went back to peeps house for a party. peep left to get stuff and someone laid out blow on the table. peep always told me not to do lines but i have always been curious.

"lemme do one." i said grabbing a hundred out of my bag and rolling it up. no one stopped me as i knelt down to the table and snorted half a line up.

"peep!" everyone cheered as gus stared at me. he dropped the bags and grabbed me, dragging me away.

"are you stupid?!" he yelled once we got outside.

"you're not my dad gus." i said crossing my arms. i could feel the coke dripping in the back of my throat.

"when i tell you not to do something that means don't do it danielle." he yelled once again.

"i'm not your property gus. will do whatever the hell i want when i want to." i screamed. adrenaline pumping through my veins. i stormed back inside and sat next to bexey.

"i shouldn't have let you do that." bexey said.

"i can do what i want. i'm not peeps to control." i said sighing.

"he cares about you dani."

"that's bullshit bexey!" i said angrily.

"he tells me all the time he doesn't give a fuck about me!" i said. i felt tears slip from my eyes and i wiped them away quicker than anyone could see them. bexey didn't say anything else but he did hug me.

"really bex?" peep said standing over us.

"you made her cry peep." bexey said still holding me.

"i'm leaving." i said getting up. i felt weird though as i stood up. i felt like everything was going so fast.

"sit down." peep said. they both tried to get me to stay but i refused time and time again.

i got in my car and started it. i was driving down the road when i swerved and my car flipped. my vision went black. i couldn't see anything but i heard sirens and people yelling around me. i couldn't move so i just laid until i felt myself being carried away and put into an ambulance

 i couldn't move so i just laid until i felt myself being carried away and put into an ambulance

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