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"claudine!" i yelled, catching the attention of the now brown haired girl and a dozen other people.

"baby oh my god hey!" she said hugging me tightly.

"gosh i missed you so much." i whispered in her ear.

"you don't even know the half of it." she whispered back.

"and gus. so good to see you again." she said hugging him.

"oh trust me, it's so good to see you again." he said smirking at me. 

"well let's not waste any time then." she said grabbing me and gus' hands.

gus had ordered us and uber back to his house and it took seconds for our clothes to be off. after we had finished we smoked then took a nap. i took some pictures with claudine when we woke up. i was starting to have feelings for her but not like the ones i felt for gus. i knew me and gus liked having fun with her but i was feeling something different.


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danibaby reunited💋 @claud9

claud9 <3 missed you ;)
littlepeep yooooo. this is hot
gbcgbcgbc we stan a threesome
bexeyswan yea everyone in the house is aware :|
lilpeep glad you're back @claud9
user367 GAYYYY. BIG GAY.
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claud9 taste the rainbow bitch

lilpeep 😈
cassie.uwu WHO IS THIS CLAUDINE???
username sfs????
gothangel is this @danibaby
danibaby i missed youuu<3
username22 yooo this is hottttt :p
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"damn claud you're really stealing my girl." gus laughed as he commented on her picture.

"no one is stealing anyone." i said rolling my eyes.

"yea whatever." he said grabbing me and pulling me into him.

we all lied in peep's king bed in silence for a few minutes then claudine got up. she grabbed his remote from the floor and turned on his tv.

"what are you doing?" i asked.

"movie night?" she asked.

"i don't really wanna watch a movie." gus said.

"i'm bored." she whined.

"go see what bexey is doing." i said winking at her. i knew of her crush on bexey.

"fuck you." she said walking out of the room.

"all mine." gus said and kissed my shoulder.

for some reason i was still completely worn out. the body heat from gus and the big comforter wrapped around us made it perfect conditions to go back to sleep. so, i got as close to gus as possible and got comfortable and went right back to sleep on his chest. i had a dream that i got pregnant with his daughter and he wanted me to get rid of the baby but i didn't and he left me. i hated having dreams like this because it always seemed so real and i always woke up crying.

"baby shhh it's okay." gus said

"tell me you love me." i cried.

"i love you more than anything danielle." he said, planting a light, soft kiss to the middle of my forehead.

"i love you gus." i mumbled back.

"i'm not leaving you." he said running his fingers through my hair.

"i know." i mumbled.

this moment was about as pure as anything in my entire life. just him and i in silence as his fingers became tangled in my hair. his breathing was steady and mine had become stagnant as i was too deep in thought to remember how to breathe. my mind too tangled in the thought of him and i to remember to stay alive. i knew i had been in love with him for the long months before this but every moment like this reminded me.

no one could make me feel anything like he made me feel. no one could satisfy me like he could. no one could make me feel love like he did. no one could make me cry like he could. his fingers were the only ones to cause goosebumps to rise across my entire body. his voice was the only thing that made my entire body feel like it was on fire.

"gus." i whispered. my voice was gentler than ever.

"thank you." i said before he could mutter any words out.

"for what love?" he laughed.

"for staying." i simply said.

"it was damn hard but i'm so glad i did." he said.

he rolled on top of me, his forearms holding him up, and gently kissed my lips. the kiss heated up when his hand snaked it's way to grip my neck. he tightened his grip and a moan fell from my mouth. i gripped his lip with my teeth and a heavy breath from his mouth. his hand released my neck but his lips made their way to replace it. his lips dragged across and sucked on my neck. he made sure to leave marks to let everyone know who's i was.

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