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gus had a show out of town tonight and he dragged me along. not that i didn't want to i just don't like all the attention from paparazzi and stuff. i loved all the fans and seeing him happy on stage though. it was my favorite view on this entire earth. the way he looked on stage was a different kind of heaven.

during the show they had a photographer out on the stage but i was having my own photo shoot. i watched him from the first row and screamed all the lyrics. i knew his songs better than he did sometimes. people around me noticed me and adored me and gus' relationship. i was asked for pictures, i probably took around 20 pictures that night.


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danibaby an amazing crowd and an even more amazing boyfriend @lilpeep! thank u Los Vegas 💕 if we took any pictures at the show tn send them to me!!!

biggothbitch the show was amazing tn! i dmed our pictures to you 🖤
lilpeep i love you danielle💕
bexeyswan tn was lit! the show tmr is gonna be amazing. get ready phoenix!!
smokeasac great shot! loved seeing you and gus together again❤️
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after the show gus walked me to the tour bus with his arm around me. it was winter but it wasn't really that cold out. it was kinda chilly but being close to gus made me warm. we all sat on the bus and just told corny joke and laughed. i hadn't had friends like this since high school.

"okay but seriously, dani, brooke told me you ate her out." bexey said. my face drained of the color.

"uh what?" i choked.

"yo she did!" bexey yelled. gus laughed with the group.

"gus!" i whined.

"what i didn't tell them!" he laughed.

"i was drunk and you guys all suck." i pouted.

they all laughed at me again so i rolled my eyes and walked back to the beds. i crawled in one of the bottom bunks and pulled out my phone. i went through my dms and started messaging everyone back who dmed me. the user gbcbitch messaged me multiple times. i answered them back and then gus finally crawled into the bunk with me.

"go away." i mumbled.

"baby." he said with a smile on his face.

"gus what did you take?" i asked.

"perctan." he laughed.

"gus." i sighed. he lied his head on my chest and i played with his hair.

"baby i think i'm bi." gus mumbled.

"okay." i simply said.

"you're not mad?" he asked.

"no, why would i be mad gus?"

"because, uhm actually i don't know." he whispered.

"baby i'll love you no matter what you are." i said kissing his forehead.

"i'm bi too so it's okay." i said.

"trust me baby, i already knew." he laughed. i sighed.

"gustav." i said.

"danielle." he said back.

"i want to be with you forever." i whispered.

"me and you forever princess." he said squeezing my torso closer to his body. we both fell asleep a few minutes after our conversation.


i woke up to the smell of mcdonald's. i went to get up but gus was still in a deep sleep on my chest. i shook him awake but he just groaned and pulled me closer to him.

"gus wake up." i whined.

"no." he replied.

"yes." i said attempting to wiggle away from him.

"danielle marie stop moving." he said. his morning voice was heaven.

"gus get up! i'll roll a j for you." i said and he finally rolled off of me and stretched.

"that's all you had to say baby." he said.

i rolled my eye and climbed out of bed. i kept my promise and brought gus back a joint and an egg mcmuffin. he ate his sandwich then lit up his joint. his messy bed head made him look adorable and it was a perfect photo opportunity. when he saw my pull out my phone he put a lazy smile on his face and i took the photo.


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danibaby gus wouldn't get out of bed unless i rolled him ah j. look at this spoiled brat 😐🖤

gusmybby AH HES SO CUTE !!!
gbcbitch NEW FAV PICTURE 😍
lilpeep you love me tho😘
gustavahr he literally deserves more than u
lillpeeepp #gusdeservesmore
gustavmyluv imagine peep dating anyone but @toopoor gus u fucked up.
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i got annoyed with all the comments about layla and gus. it was so annoying that people couldn't just let us be happy and live our lives. i don't understand why people have to dig their ways into out relationship. we love each other and that's all that matters though. fuck what everyone else says, this kid is gonna be mine forever.

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