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i woke up in gus' arms and it felt like any other day. i then realized it was christmas and i jumped up and so did gus. he was breathing heavy and looking around the room concerned.

"it's christmas!" i yelled.

"it's also 8:30 in the morning. dani baby go back to sleep." he said.

"no way! get up!" i yelled.

"you're helping me make breakfast!" i said giddily.

"baby." he groaned as i dragged him out of bed.

"no complaining gustav!" i warned. he sighed and grabbed a pair of sweats.

"uh babe you can't go out of the room like that." he said. i looked down and saw my half naked body then grabbed one of his hugs shirts. it was so big it was a dress on me.

gus stood behind me with his hands wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. i watched the pancake batter bubble up on the pan then flipped it. gus moved my hair off to the side and laid a wet kiss on my neck.

"gus stop." i whined.

"baby." he whined squeezing my body.

"make eggs." i said swatting him away from my neck.

"babe." he whined.

i gave him the looks and he sighed the grabbed the eggs out of the refrigerator. i had the pancakes done so i started on the sausage and bacon. once all the food was done i went around raising hell so everyone would get up. i got cussed out more than twice but i knew they still loved me. i grabbed all of my presents and set them under the tree.

"it's literally 9:30 in the fucking morning." bexey said.

"we made breakfast." i said smiling.

once everyone came downstairs and put their presents under the tree and ate breakfast we started separating the presents. i was too excited for everyone to open the presents i got them. everyone loved my presents and tracy told me he was taking me to get a tattoo tomorrow.


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lilpeep new ice 😈 @danibaby

claud9 aw. tell dani to ft me later!
ilovegus hi gus!!❤️
danibaby welcome babes💋
mrsahr icyyyy❄️
blickybih damnnn she in love in love.
bexeyswan so icy call you frozone
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i was last to open my gifts and everyone's eyes were on me. the first gift i opened was from my brothers. they both got me a new pair of vans and a gift card to chipotle. next was tracy's gift. he got me a grateful dead long sleeve, a long sleeve striped shirt, a black iron maiden shirt and a pair of doc martins. bexey got me a gucci necklace and a pair of john lennon sunglasses. everyone else got me clothes or a gift card. but i had yet to open gus' gift. it was small. i untied the bow and opened the top to find a pair of keys. they were audi keys. i dropped them and looked at gus.

"you fucking didn't. gus don't play with me." i said. my whole body was shaking.

"go look outside." he said smiling. i snatched up the keys and ran outside to see a matte black audi parked out front.

"do you like it?" he said smiling.

"gus i-holy shit now i feel bad for only getting you a necklace." my hands were still shaking.

"merry christmas baby." he laughed. i ran to the car and dragged my hand across the hood, i was mesmerized.

"gus this is too much." i said, my whole body was still shaking.

"baby nothing is too much for you." he said watching me eye the car.

i finally opened the suicide doors to the car and sat inside of it. my hands roamed the interior of the car in awe. the whole interior of the car was bright, ruby red. tears started falling from my eyes when gus opened the passenger door and sat next to me. he chuckled at me but i sat still in awe of the vehicle i was in. i've told gus about my love for this car for as long as i've known him and i never thought it'd be in front of me.

"i love you." i cried.

"i love you too baby." he said.

"not you the car." i laughed.

"don't make me take it back." he laughed. i gave him side eye and he smiled back.

"let's take it for a test ride." he said with a smirk, "then we can come back and you can test ride something else."

"gus!" i yelled.

"kidding." he said. "but for real."

i didn't say anything else i just started the car and listened to it purr. i placed my hands on the wheel and my foot on the gas. when we took off it felt so smooth when i was driving down the street. i felt so low to the ground because i was used to driving my truck. after the drive, so much adrenaline was coursing through my veins that i was ready to run a mile. i got out and snapped a quick picture for the gram.


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danibaby beyond blessed <3 merry fucking christmas y'all ;)

claud9 HOLY SHIT !!! lucky girl :/
bexeyswan gus loves you more than us and i'm jealous
coldhart_ yoooo gus really went all out on you. pussy whipped
icygustav gus really bought this whore a fucking AUDI R8 LIKE !??!??!??!
lilpeep i love you babes 💋
kournikovax @lilpeep pussy whipped?????
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