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the weeks were flying by. my baby was getting big and it was making me really really sad. he was a month and a half yesterday. i can't deal with him growing up. i still feel like i have pregnancy hormones and it's absolutely the worst. i cry a lot. i eat a lot. and i sleep a lot. i feel bad for sleeping though because that means gus has to help a lot with eli. i don't mean to put it all on him but i've been working out and working and trying to get my shit together and i just am exhausted.

"baby your mom is calling!" gus yelled.

"cathleen!" i corrected him.

"hey." i said answering my phone.

"hey sweetheart, how are things going over there?" she asked.

"not great. i think eli is sick, he won't stop crying and h- gus take his temperature!"

"do you want me to come over and help?" she asked.

"no we're fin- it's in the cabinet above the sink!"

"sweetheart what's the address?" she asked.

"cathleen i have to go." i said hanging up the phone.

"gus there!" i said snatching the thermometer out of the cabinet.

"chill out!" he said.

"gus." i warned. i took eli's temperature and it said 102.5.

"gus we need to take him to the ER." i said. he was burning up and wouldn't stop screaming.

"i'll start the car. pack the diaper bag and change his outfit." gus said grabbing the keys.

i made him a bottle and packed the diaper bag then carried him in his car seat to the car. gus sped to the hospital and i had to tell him multiple times to slow down. he whipped the car into the ER parking lot and then parked. we rushed into the ER and filled out the information. people stared as eli screamed and we tried to hush him.

"ahr?" the nurse asked.

"that's us." i said getting up and grabbing eli.

the doctor told us that he would be fine but gave us medicine for him. i swore gus almost had an aneurism thinking eli was really sick. he held my hand the entire time and held it very tight may i add. i thought it was cute though. he was just like a brand new dad. he's more protective over eli than i am.


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danibaby baby eli is sick and has mommy and dads running around like mad men. i still love you baby boy <3

claud9 my baby:(
bexeysmom he's so tiny. i'm in love :')
kathrynhollowoak mini peep🐣
bexeyswan love my nephew but the screaming has got to go. i am TIRED.
tracyminajj nephew around my ice so much he got a cold.
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i laughed at tracy's comment while gus kept looking in the rear view at eli, who we finally got to sleep. when we pulled in the drive way gus got in the back seat with him and just watched him sleep for a moment. then, he carefully removed him from the car and carried him to the front door. i followed him and watched in awe as he made every effort not to wake the sleeping infant.

"baby." i whispered as gus put eli in his crib.

"come here." i said. dirty images played through my mind.

"eli is right there dani." gus whispered.

"i'll be quiet." i said.

he crawled over to me and our lips met. his hands explored my body and mine explored his. his hand wrapped around my throat and i stared him in the eye through the darkness. it was pitch black but somehow i could see his dark brown eyes boring into mine. he grabbed my lip with his teeth and i whimpered as his grip tightened.

he flipped me over and i lied still as he ripped the sweats off my legs. his hand gripped my ass and his lips kissed my lower back before he legitimately ripped my underwear off of me. he struggled to take off my hoodie so i slipped it off for him. he pulled my ass up and bent his head down to where i needed him the most. he was hungry. he stopped and slipped off his hoodie as well as his jeans but i didn't dare move.

"mmm" he growled.

i felt his dick run down my vagina. he hadn't even slipped it in and my legs were already shaking. i heard a low chuckle from him as he realized his effect on me. he spit on his hand and i guess rubbed it on his dick.

"let me try something new." he whispered.

"okay, just do something." i begged.

"let me know if it hurts too bad." he mumbled. i moaned in response.

his dick moved from my vagina up north. he slowly forced himself into me and all i felt was a lot of pressure. i covered my mouth so i didn't yell too loud at the pain. he spit down on his dick and quickened his pace as i gripped the sheets. i grabbed a pillow and bit into it as he sped up more. his hands gripped into my hips, definitely going to leave bruises, but i couldn't care. the pain was rushed away with a wave of pleasure. maybe trying new things wasn't so bad after all.

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