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danibaby i can't believe my baby is already 2 months old :'( stop growing

claud9 he's getting so big:(((
gothgirlfriend sis had a whole baby to chase a bag. yikes.
littlepeep fuck you stupid bitch. using peep for the child support
toopoooor layla snitched on y'all. that's peeps baby. stupid clout whore
laylashapiro ugly ass baby. fuck you and that fucker
gothbitch he's getting so big omg. he is so cute <3
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i read the comments on the picture and i started to cry. i held my baby and looked at his beautiful face as he slept in my arms. i touched his soft skin and just wept. gus came back into the room and rushed to my side.

"what's wrong?" he asked. i didn't say anything i just handed him my phone and he began to look through the comments.

"i'm going to kill her." he said.

"let me do it." i sniffled.

"i'm calling her over..is that okay?" he said. i nodded, i had a lot to say to that bitch.

"layla?" he asked.

"come over." he said.

"i'm not doing this over the phone. we need to talk about this in person."


"she said she'll be here in 15 minutes. i'll take eli, get changed into clothes without puke on them." he laughed. i nodded and went to change my clothes.

gus and i sat in the living room with eli and waited until layla got here. i was ready to tear her a new fucking ass. we waited a while before i heard a knock at the door. i shot up to answer it and surprising gus let me. i swung open the door and layla stood there shocked.

"come in, sit down." i said viciously.

"hi gus." she said. he stared daggers into her and she sat without another word.

i sat next to gus and eli and we all just stared at her. i knew it was making her uncomfortable because she started shifting in her seat. gus took eli up to tracy's room and i waited to tear her apart until gus got back.

"have you been talking about my baby?" i asked.

"listen dani i didn't-"

"didn't what bitch?! i swear if i didn't have a son i'd already be in jail right now. you can insult me, try and steal my boyfriend, or whatever but do not ever insult my family." i said standing up.

"layla i thought you were better than this?" gus mumbled, shaking his head.

"listen please." she said.

"frankly bitch, i don't want to hear what you have to say. i have your little pussy posse commenting terrible shit on a picture of my son!" i yelled.

"okay watch the bitch word." she said.

"okay i'm done being nice." i said. i went to lunge at her but gus wrapped his arms around my waist.

"baby calm down." he whispered

"no fuck her!" i yelled.

"fuck you and that ugly ass baby!" layla said standing up.

gus finally let go of me when she said that and i tackled her to the ground. she was so little that it was so easy to get her down. my hands connected with her face a few times before i was being pulled off of her. i looked and saw bexey holding me back. i looked back at her and laughed at the blood dripping from her nose and lip.

"dumb bitch." i yelled.

"okay whore!" she yelled back.

"that's why you're over there fucking leaking stupid bitch." i said.

"keep me and my family's name out of your mouth or i'm not letting no one pull me off next time." i said spitting in her direction. gus pulled me upstairs and sat me on the bed.

"baby you have a huge scratch across your face." he said.

"i don't care." i huffed.

"where's my son?" i said.

gus left the room and came back with my smiling baby boy. he had one of gus' fingers in his hand and every time gus wiggled it he giggled. i looked at my boys in awe. i told myself i was done with gus but seeing him interact with eli, i knew i couldn't put my son through split parents. split parents means spilt christmas', split halloween, split easter, split everything.

"i love you." gus said, shaking me out thought.

"i love you too." i said kissing him. when i kissed him eli started giggling again and my heart felt full.

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