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we found out i was about 8 weeks and my due date was july 16th, when i went to the doctors. i'm about 10 weeks now and i'm starting to feel different. more tired. hungrier. morning sickness every day. it's exhausting. i didn't think i'd feel it so early but damn. no one but me and gus know right now. we're scared to tell anyone else. well at least i am. gus seems so excited about this whole thing.


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danibaby missing cigarettes and alcohol rn :(

gbcbitch ??? why ???
bexeyswan do you have something to tell us?
gothboyclick WHAT IS HAPPENING
hellgirl ????!??!??! @lilpeep
lilpeep my beautiful princess ;)
sassypeep i'm happy you are quitting. we love a healthy queen. y'all are freakin out over nothing. sis is just being healthy:)
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"danielle marie what the fuck!" bexey yelled walking into me and gus' room.

"what?" i said.

"something is going on. tell me." he said pointing.

"first of all ew and second of what are you talking about?" i said with a smirk on my face.

"am i going to have a niece or nephew?" he whispered.

"ew no. get out." i yelled.

"gus bexey is bullying me." i yelled. i heard footsteps up the stairs and gus busted into the room.

"you leave my babies alone." he said shoving bexey.

"babies?!" bexey yelled.

"i knew it!" he yelled.

"shh." i said loudly.

"do not tell anyone. i will kill you." i said seriously.

"i'm gonna be an uncle. i'm gonna be an uncle." bexey whispered.

"get out." gus groaned. bexey smiled really big and left the room.

"baby i'm taking you out." gus said.

"gus i'm too tired. please." i whined.

"no complaints. come on my love." he said.

i pouted for a few seconds and then got up and put on some clothes. gus carried me to the car and made sure to play my favorite music. he took me to the place we went on the day we found out i was pregnant. it looked different in the daylight. more angelic. i ran up the hill and gus started chasing me. i ran at him laughing while he snapped pictures of me.


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lilpeep beaut 😍😍😍😍

claud9 she's so hot.
bexeyswan !!!!!! glow !!!!!!
kathrynhollowoak So pretty! Come home and visit soon!
gbcgbcgbc SHES HOT!!!
user22369 ew grosss. delete before i vomit.
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"aw i love you gussie." i said when i saw the picture then i kissed him.

"you're so beautiful." he whispered to me.

"i know." i whispered back. truth is i did not feel beautiful at all.

"do you though?" he said. i averted my eyes to the grass and then tangled my fingers into it.

"i miss your mom." i chuckled.

"we can go visit her soon." he said. i could hear the smile in his voice.

i stood up from my spot on the ground and stood over gus. he looked up at me, squinting, and had the biggest smile on his face ever. he got up on his knees and put his ear to my clothed stomach. he looked so content and happy as he tried to find the life in my stomach. once he was finished listening he placed a soft kiss to my stomach.

"we have another appointment tomorrow." he said with big smile.

"you know everyone is gonna start noticing all my doctors appointments." i laughed.

"maybe we should just tell them gus."

"not yet!" he said. i groaned and gus laughed at me.

"i hope it's a boy." i said smiling, "i want another little gussie."

"you just want more of me." he said. i rolled my eyes but a smile was still prominent on my face.

"i have enough of you." i said, "trust me."

he looked at me offended and began to fake cry. i rolled my eyes and kissed his forehead. i got back down on the grass and lied my head in his lap. his fingers tangled in my hair and i closed my eyes. i hopes it'd be like this forever, but, knowing our karma something would go wrong and mess up everything.

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