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danibaby 7•17•17
7 pounds 7 ounces
elijah lennox ahr <3

gothboiclick SHOW HIS FACE!!!!!
bexeyswan piggiessss :,)
tracyminajj my nephew finna be fye asff
toopoorsgf clout chaserrrrr.
danibabie i'm obsessed and i haven't even seen him yet. i'm going to cry. congratulations dani<3
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my baby boy is doing so great. he was healthy and everything is perfectly fine with him. he's mommy's perfect little angel. everyone has come by and visited him. people keep telling me he looks like gus. i don't think i could be happier with how life is right now. i feel like i finally have the family i've wanted since i was little.

"god he's so cute." gus whispered. he took a picture and i was kinda nervous for him to post it.

"gus i don't know about posting pictures of his face yet. i'm already getting negativity from just a picture of his feet." i sighed getting up from my comfy position on the bed.

"i know and i totally won't post anything if you don't want me to. i'm taking your word for this." he said. he kissed eli's forehead and a small smile twitched on his face. i could've cried in that moment.

"i love you my precious boy." i heard him whisper.

"gussie put him down and come lay with me." i said.

"i don't want him to wake up." he whispered.

"i'm sure he won't. it's okay to put him down for a bit." i chuckled.

"he just seems so happy." he said.

"i know gussie. don't you want me to be happy too? i mean i did push him out of me." i said, raising my eyebrow. he rolled his eyes and put eli in his little swing.

"come here." i said, holding my arms out. he crawled over to me and lied his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"i missed this. everything is back to how it's supposed to be." gus said.

"yea." i sighed.

"i love you dani." he said, kissing my chest.

"i love you gussie." i said, kissing the top of his head.

we both have been up 24/7 with eli so after a few minutes we fell asleep. i could've slept for hours but eli started to cry. i sighed and told gus to get up. he rolled off of me and i went to get eli. before i could get to him tracy came in the room and grabbed him gently out of the swing. he winked at me and went downstairs to make him a bottle. i smiled to myself and crawled back in bed with gus.

"where's eli?" gus asked groggily.

"tracy took him." i whispered.

"okay." gus said, snatching me up and squeezing me tight to his chest.

he lifted up my shirt and started rubbing my belly. i instantly got insecure and swatted his hand away. he sat up and looked at me like i was insane. he kissed my belly and placed his hand right back on it. i rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away again.

"danielle cut it out." he groaned.

"don't touch my belly." i said. my stomach was covered in stretch marks and i still had chub from eli. he put his hand on my belly again and i swatted it away once again.

"stop." he said.

"you know i love your body. stop being insecure around me. i mean you just had a baby you're not gonna go straight back to normal. i love you and your body." he said. i sighed and cuddled into him.

he kissed my forehead and then my lips. it felt like forever since i've kissed him and when i did i melted into it. the kissed got quite heated in a few seconds and next thing i knew gus was on top of me. his head dipped down and kissed along my jawline then down my neck. my nails dug into his back and it's like i brought something out of him.

it had only been 2 weeks since i had eli and the doctor said to wait 4 weeks until i had sex. at this point it had been so long since i had any action like this and i was extremely horny. i wanted to flip him over and take control but i was scared my body isn't ready for it. he went to take off my shorts and i sighed.

"gus we can't. the doctor said to wait 4 weeks at least. and i'm scared." i said. he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead then just rolled over.

"that's okay baby." he mumbled. it was dark and i couldn't see much but i could tell he was hard.

"i still got a mouth though." i said smirking.

"dani you don't have-" he started until i grabbed his dick through his shorts.

"but i do though." i said. i pulled his shorts down his legs and licked the tip.

he mumbled a cuss word as i attempted to take him all in my mouth. his hand tangled in my messy hair and encouraged faster movements. i removed my mouth from him and let the spit that built up in my mouth make it messy. i used my hand to jerk him off while i wiped my mouth.

"you're so beautiful." he whispered. i smiled meekly and then put him back inside my mouth.

i finished him off and he found his shorts and put them back on. once he got situated he pulled me into him again and once he was cuddled up to me he fell asleep almost instantly. as creepy as it sounds, i watched him sleep for a few minutes before, i, myself fell asleep. all i could think about is being a happy family again.

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