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when i woke up i was on my couch and i was laying on diego. he's been here, on and off, for like 2 weeks and i'll admit i had feelings for him. i cuddled into him but he woke up. instead of leaving he squeezed me tight and played with my hair.

"good morning beautiful." he said then kissed my forehead.

"morning." i mumbled.

"wanna go get food?" he said. i nodded my head. i rolled over and got up. i watched as he took off his hoodie.

"wear this." he said throwing his hoodie at me.

"really." i said with a smile on my face.

"yea baby. it's yours." he said. i smiled all big.

we both finished getting ready and then walked out the door to his car. he took me to bob evans and i got too excited. after we ate instead of going back to mine we went back to his. when we got there he rolled a blunt and we smoked. after we smoked i couldn't stop taking pictures of him.

"stop." he laughed.

"no! you're too cute." i said. he posed and i snapped another one.

"come here." he said. i walked over and sat on his lap.

"do you know how beautiful you are?" he said, resting his head on my shoulder.

"i'm not." i said rolling my eyes.

"you're so beautiful ma." he said kissing my neck.

"post that one." he said clicking on the picture.

"okay." i said smiling.


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danibaby happy now ;)

gbcbitch NO NOT SHARK BOY.
peepfans wtf dani ???
peepisdaddy how'd you move on so fast? you prolly jus want clout.
xanxiety ❤️💕
lilpeeps so gus is jus not gonna acknowledge this?
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xanxiety took this the other day. my lil ma so fine💕

xanscray yessss!!!!
user636 i'm mad. she looks UGLY.
username Oof sis needs her roots done.
lilpeep that's fucking mine.
xanarmy aw i'm so happy 4 u diego
gbcbitch PEEPS COMMENT?????
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after diego posted the picture of me i started to get notifications like crazy. i turned my phone off and just lied with diego. we didn't really talk that much, we just enjoyed each other company. he turned on netflix and we watched some stupid movie.

"do you still love him?" diego asked.

"what? who?" i said

"don't act stupid." he said.

"diego i'm happy with you. i don't want to be with him."

"i'm scared you're gonna leave me for him."

"baby i'm not." i said kissing him.

"lemme show you how much i wanna be with you." i said.

i started kissing on his neck. i then slipped his shirt off and left marks all the way down to his sweats. i pulled them down and grabbed his semi hard dick in my hand. i wrapped my mouth around him and he let out a moan.

"dani fuck." he said, tangling his fingers in my hair.

diego and i both enjoyed the night and definitely both fulfilled each other's needs. we both were left laying on his couch breathing heavily. i looked up at him and we both just broke out laughing.

"holy shit." he said.

"what." i laughed.

"that was indescribable." he said.

"thanks?" i giggled. he went to say something else but someone knocked at the door. he sighed and grabbed his sweats off the floor and threw me his hoodie and my underwear. he walked off while i was getting dressed.

"baby who is i- gus?"

"why are you here?" i said grabbing diego's hand.

"what do you mean why am i here? you can't just go do whatever you want. you're mine." gus said grabbing my arm.

"uh i don't think so." i said yanking my arm away from him.

"gus leave now." i said. he didn't move a muscle.

"dude just leave." diego finally spoke up.

"just close the door diego. we have to get back to what we were doing." i said biting my lip and looking up at him. i was pissing gus off and i loved it.

"okay well bye." diego said then went to close the door.

"have fun with shark boy." peep mumbled through the cracked door. "i'll be back danielle."

after the incident with gus diego and i decided on staying in and watching movies all night. he didn't want the attention of the press and all of that tonight. if i could i'd lay with him forever and ever. falling asleep in his arms is just about the best thing in the world.

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lilpeep you're still mine princess.

lilxanny yooo stop feinin for the hoe. she's diego's
user22 the bitch isn't even that cute to be stuck on
xanxiety she's mine 😈💕
xanzz7 yooo peep. this pic is cute asf.
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