i woke up to bexey cuddling into me. light snores fell from his mouth and i was so confused. i was just in peep's arms, why is bexey here. i woke him up by trying to escape.

"dani, good morning." he said smiling.

"where's gus." i asked.

"he doesn't want you around him." he said.

"i don't get him." i said dialing gus' number.

"he won't answer." bexey said trying to grab my phone.

"fuck you. get off me." i said calling peep again.

"dani just lay back down with me." bexey said rubbing my back. i lied back on him and just cried.

after an hour or so of cry and talking bexey decided to take me out for lunch. it was really nice and i was so happy to at least have him by my side. gus would come around soon and i was sure of it.


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danibaby thank you to @bexeyswan for cheering me up with a day out. my accident still has me a bit hazed and in pain but i'm glad to have someone like you in my life ❤️

user222 BEXEY !!!!
userrrr2 uhhh what about peep???
username37 yooo she jus gonna fw all of gbc???
bexeyswan you're welcome <3
gbcbitch uhm so is this a thing? i stan.
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i sighed and set my phone next to my bed. bexey was still right next to me and i watched him comment on my picture. we were supposed to be watching some weird "scary" movie rn but we were both too invested in whatever was happening on the internet. next thing i know i get a notification.

lilpeep posted a new photo

lilpeep posted a new photo

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lilpeep help me find a way to make you mine. everybody telling me not to but i'm gonna try

peepersgbc LOOK AT DANIS RECENT !!
username so are you and dani a thing or is she w bexey???
gbchoe forget that stupid bitch. you my baby peep
lilpeepgbc i love you !!!
therealfatnick sexybeast
username1 dani doesn't deserve you.
danibaby i miss you peepers</3
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i sighed and climbed on bexey and just sat on his waist as i placed my hands on his chest. he looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. he turned his head back to the movie unphased that i was on his lap. gus' hands would've been on me in seconds if i was sitting on him like this.

"bexey." i mumbled.

"what are you doing?" he said grabbing my wrist as my hands moved up his shirt.

"shhh just let it happen." i said with an evil smirk on my face. he let go of my wrist and i slipped off his shirt. i leaned down to his ear and whispered "i know you like me."

"dani i don't thi-" he stuttered but i kissed him before he could protest. he melted under my touch.

"see, it's not so bad." i chuckled. i kissed behind his ear and made my way to his collarbone. i sucked and made a little mark which caused a small moan to fall from bexey's mouth.

"but peep." he mumbled.

"shhh don't worry about him." i said, moving from his collarbone down his abdomen. i stopped at the waistline of his jeans. he flipped us over and smiled evilly at me.

he wasted no time in getting me undressed. first my shirt went, then my pants. his face was between my thighs teasing me through my underwear. he was more gentle than peep. i didn't know how to feel. when he finally took my underwear off he showed me his tongue game. i had to admit that was really good but peep gave the best head.

"let me know if i'm hurting you." he breathed. when he pulled his pants down i was surprised to see a big dick spring out.

i grabbed his dick and licked the tip then down to the base. he let out groans and loud moans as i showed him how a female was supposed to suck dick. he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me back onto the couch. his hand stayed tightly around my throat as he dragged the tip of his dick up and down my dripping slit.

"fuck you're so wet." he moaned. he pushed himself into me and i screamed.

he picked me up off the couch and carried me to my room. he threw me on the bed and got on top of me. i was on my stomach and he was pounding me from the back. i felt like i could feel him in my guts. i screamed as he hit it again twice as hard. he slowed down and pushed himself all in me.

i could feel myself come unraveled around him. i gripped the sheets and my whole body started to shake which only made bexey speed up. i was shaking so bad. he pulled out and pulled me up by my hair then stuck his dick in my throat. i felt his liquids shoot in the back of my throat as i gagged on his dick.

"fuck." he moaned and lied on his back.

"peep is going to kill me." he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair.

"peep will never find out." i said.

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