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gus' pov

after dani left i got too fucked up to even remember what happened. i woke up passed out in the backyard and a ton of missed calls and texts. dani's friend cat calling was what woke me up.

"hello." i answered groggily.

"d-dani is in t-the hospital." she sobbed.

"what the fuck?" i yelled.

"she got into an accident. they're trying to tell me she was under the influence of cocaine. i don't believe them. please tell me you didn't let her touch that stuff." she cried. i swore under my breath.

"what hospital cat?" i said. when she told me i changed and as i was heading out the door bexey woke up.

"where are you going?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"dani got into an accident because of you!" i yelled shoving him.

"peep dude calm down." he said. i stood there for a second and just left.

once i got to the hospital they wouldn't let me see her because i wasn't "family". i was more family than her actual blood. i left it alone and just sat in the waiting room. i waited anxiously and then cat came out. i watched as cat walked to the nurse and started talking to her.

"she wants to see gus." cat told the nurse then pointed at me.

"go ahead but don't tell anyone i let you back." she said smiling at me softly. cat led me back to her room and when i saw her through the window my heart sunk.

"i can't go in there." i mumbled. i felt regret swarm my brain, the last time i saw her we fought.

"peep she needs you." cat pleaded.

"nah i'm leaving. she needs to stay away from me. make sure she does cat." i said walking away. cat didn't even try to stop me.

i went back home and went straight to my room without talking to anyone. i hated myself for feeling for her but treating her like shit. i hated myself for feeling for her at all. feelings aren't really my thing.

i looked around at my room and sighed when my eyes landed on her ripped jeans. i picked up everything that was hers and grabbed one of my hoodies then threw it all in a bag. i wrote a note and stuffed it in the hoodie pocket. i left and went to her house. since she wasn't home i used the key to get in and leave her stuff. i took the stuff to her room and set it next to her bed. then i lied down on her bed and started crying. i knew where she put her xanax and took two then fell asleep on her bed.

i woke up to someone shaking me awake. i sat up and looked around then finally spotted dani on the other side of the bed. it was dark outside. i checked the time and it was 8:37pm the next day.

"i uh brought you your stuff and uh fell asleep. sorry." i said hurrying out of her room.

"gus." she cried. i couldn't even look at her. i ignored her but when i reached the door she fell to the floor.

"dani." i said running to her. she was having a panic attack. i picked her frail body up and carried her back to her room.

i texted bexey to come watch her. i knew he would take good care of her even though he let her do what she did. i lied next to her and held her until bexey got here. when he texted me and told me to let him in i did and he got right into the same position i was in. i sighed and told him to take good care of her then i left.

when i got home i smoked 2 blunts and did a line then went to sleep. i dreamed of dani and i having a family. we had a little boy in my dream. i woke up the next morning crying. dani was blowing up my phone. bexey told me he was still there with her and that she was really upset i left. i locked my phone and lied in silence.

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