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32 weeks and i feel huge. it's summer now and only a month and 3 weeks until my baby boy is going to be here. my joints are all so swollen it's kinda disgusting. i feel like i look so bad all the time. i'm so insecure because my body has never been this big. i mean i know i'm carrying a baby but it still is hard for me to see myself like this.

"gus get out of the bathroom!" i yelled.

"come in!" he yelled. i sighed and opened the door to see him naked and about to turn the shower on.

"gus really i need to shower." i whined.

"shower with me then." he said smiling.

"gus seriously." i said.

"i've never been more serious." he said smirking.

i sighed and gave in. my body ached and i was ready for the hot water to hit my skin. i took off my clothes and i looked up to see gus staring. i rolled my eyes and climbed in the shower. he climbed in after me and stood really close to me.

"i've never found pregnant woman sexy until i saw you." he said.

"okay weirdo." i laughed.

"you look so beautiful." he said.

he grabbed a wash rag and started washing my back. he made his way to my shoulder and then to the top of my chest. his body kept getting closer to me until i felt his dick on my back. he wasn't really washing me anymore kind of just feeling up my swollen boobs.

"gus come on." i laughed.

i went to push him back but my hand landed on something else. a deep sigh sounded from the man behind me as i removed my hand from him. i turned around and the only thing blocking us was my big pregnant belly. i ran my hand up and down his chest.

"gus." i whispered.

"what dani?"

"can you grab the shampoo." i laughed.

"you're such a tease." he laughed.

"you love it." i said. he handed me the shampoo and then opened his mouth and filled it with water then spit the water on me.

"gus!" i giggled.

"jesus it's like i have a child already." i said rolling my eyes, which only made him do it again.

"okay that's enough. time to get out." i said.

"i haven't even washed myself." he whined.

"then do it!" i said.

he rolled his eyes and lathered himself in body wash. we finished up in the bathroom and went to his room to watch a movie. i couldn't believe this. i couldn't believe he was back in my life like nothing happened. i hated myself for it but i couldn't stay away. he was like a drug and i was an addict.

"baby what do you wanna watch?" he said rubbing my belly.

"i kinda wanna watch rick and morty." i said.

"is that okay with you baby eli?" he whispered to my belly.

"he told me he'd rather watch a scary movie." gus said.

"my son did not say that!" i said holding my belly.

"but i think he did." he said clicking on some random scary movie.

"sorry babes, two against one." he said.

"whatever." i sighed.

we watched the movie and half way through gus fell asleep on my thighs. it was cute until my leg started falling asleep and i didn't want to wake him. i let him sleep until the movie was over then i really had to get up.

"gussie." i sang, shaking him.

"mmm." he groaned.

"baby i'm going to pee on you. you're sleeping on my bladder." i whined.

he rolled off and i pushed myself up and hobbled to the bathroom. when i came back gus was cuddled up to my pregnancy pillow and was fast asleep. i sighed and grabbed a blanket to sleep downstairs on the couch. there was no way my fat ass was fitting on the bed with him.

 there was no way my fat ass was fitting on the bed with him

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danibaby no sleep for me. gus almost made me pee myself, took my pillow and the whole bed. pressed :(

gbcgothkids poor baby. must be tough dating the hottest man alive
coldhart_ kick that bitch outttt
bexeyswan rko him
claud9 girl i miss you. come visit!
tracyminajj go to sleep mammas :/
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