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i lied on gus' chest and listened to his heart pump blood slowly. i felt as his chest moved up and down every so often. i felt his hand twist and tangle my already mess hair while the other drew symbols on my side. my heart grew knowing he loved me and i love him. two kids in love.

"dani baby?" he said raspily.

"what gussie?" i said sweetly.

"move in with me." he said without hesitation.

"gus i don't know." i said feeling a pang in my chest.

"come on dani." he pleaded, "you practically stay here all the time. all you're doing is moving the rest of your stuff over here."

"what if we don't last?" i mumbled.

"you know tracy and bexey won't let me kick you out." he said.

"gus just give me a little bit to think about it." i said getting agitated.

"that's okay boo. take your time." he said then kissed the top of my head.

"i love you." i whispered very quietly.

"what baby?" he asked.

"nothing." i sighed, mad at myself for saying that again.

"i love you too dani." he said. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap so i was straddling him.

"you know how beautiful you are?" gus asked, tucking my short hair behind my ear.

"don't answer that actually. you're so beautiful my hell girl." he said smiling. his hair was gone and i still wasn't used to it not flopping in his face and looking messy when he woke up.

we looked into each other's eyes for a minute then i dipped my head down and kissed his lips. it became heated really quickly until someone busted up in the room. i groaned and rolled off gus' lap.

"whoa did i interrupt something?" fat nick said.

"nick baby." peep said sitting up.

"i can't believe you're cheating on me." fat nick said wiping a fake tear.

"wow gus how could you cheat on nick." i said sternly

"nick baby it's not what you think." gus said and we all started laughing.

"what's up though." peep asked gripping my thigh.

"i was gonna see if you wanted to get something to eat and go out but you seem busy." nick laughed.

"if dani can come i'm down." peep said. i sighed, i didn't want to leave his room.

"okay bet." nick said.

"how long is it gonna take y'all to get ready." nick asked.

"uh i don't know. we gotta shower and my girl gotta get ready. go get some food or something. we'll meet you there." peep said. nick nodded and left me and peep sitting on his bed.

"i don't wanna get ready." i whined.

"baby come one. i'll eat you out in the shower." he said winking at me. i rolled my eye and guess what,
took my ass to the bathroom and got in the shower.

once gus and i got out the shower he helped me blow dry my hair. i didn't straighten it i kinda just let it be since i didn't even wanna go out anyways. peep didn't want me to wear makeup so i didn't. after i got dressed gus led me out to his car and we met fat nick at mcdicks.

"who's party even is this?" gus asked.

"i don't know. fish just told me about it and you know i never turn down a party." nick said.

"i haven't been to a party in forever. dani never wants to get out anymore." gus said.

"why don't you just leave her at home when you wanna go out?" fat nick laughed.

"because this is my girl. if she's not with me i don't wanna go either." gus said smiling at me.

"pussy whipped." nick yelled.

"fuck you. let just go to this party." gus said.

"just follow my car." nick said. we followed behind his car and things around me became familiar.

"gus do you recognize any of this?" i asked.

"yea but i'm not sure why." he said. we pulled into a driveway and i instantly knew where we were.

"this is diego's house." i said. i started shaking as the memories flooded my brain.

"baby it's okay. i won't let anything happen. i promise."

"i want to go home." i begged.

"baby i promise. stay by my side." gus said. i clung to his arm as we walked up to the door.

"gus!" fish yelled.

"hey fish." gus said removing his arm from my grasp. instantly i made eye contact with diego and he had the biggest smirk on his face. i looked beside me and gus had left my side. i couldn't even be mad at gus because i was absolutely mortified.

"dani!" diego yelled. i went to walk away but my wrist was grabbed tightly.

"diego let go." i begged.

"what's wrong, scared?" he said smirking. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath but his hand was removed.

"don't ever touch her again." gus said. he had diego by the collar of his shirt. peep may be scrawny but when he's mad it's like he can lift anything.

"what are you gonna do about it peep." diego said laughing. next thing i knew i was being dragged off into a hallway.


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