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peep's last show for this tour was tonight and we were fighting. we've been fighting for the past couple of days. i've been sleeping without him but i haven't really been sleeping so i guess it doesn't matter. right now we were arguing about who smoked the last cigarette.

"gus you smoked it. stop fucking blaming everything on me!" i yelled.

"last time i opened the pack there was two left!" he yelled back.

"whatever. i'm done." i said grabbing my purse and stomping off the bus.

"dani!" everyone shouted. i ignored everyone's comments and questions as i ordered an uber.

"dani what happened?" bexey asked. i felt tears slip from my eyes.

"gus is breaking stuff. what happened?" bexey asked again.

"he keeps blaming everything on me." i cried. 

"dani he's just stressed. you can't take it to heart." he said hugging me.

"i just want to go home bex." i sobbed. 

"we will soon." he said rubbing my back.

"gus dude calm down." i heard someone yell and watched as gus stormed over to me and bexey.

"dani look at me." gus demanded. bexey released me from his grasp and stood back so i could see gus.

"what gus?" i sighed. i wouldn't make eye contact with him.

"look at me." he demanded again. i looked at him.

"i'm sorry." he mumbled.

"gus you've said that way too many times the past few days. how many times do i have to hear you apologize until you actually mean it?" i cried.

"i know baby and there's no excuse for it. i'm so stressed out and it's making my brain go crazy." he said.

"well don't take it out on me." i said walking past him onto the bus. i canceled my uber and curled up in my bunk.

"everybody get the fuck out!" i heard gus yell. i heard a multitude of cuss words and annoyed mutters. next thing i knew gus was cuddling up next to me.

"you know what i think?" he said.

"what gus?" i said, pissed off.

"i think i need the stress fucked out of me." he said.

"gus." i sighed. we hadn't had sex since the night with claudine, weeks ago.

"baby." peep said snaking his hand around and down my shorts. he slowly moved his fingers around my heat and then he slid them into me, causing a moan to fall from my mouth.

"see baby, i know you need this too. let me say sorry." he said then began to suck on his fingers.

gus moved to the end of the bed and pulled my shorts and underwear down. he spread my legs and licked his lips. gus then dipped his head down and worked around me with his tongue. i was gripping the sheets and moaning like crazy. i hadn't had any sexual encounters in a long time and this felt like heaven.

"gus." i moaned.

"say my name." he mumbled on my clit sending vibrations up my whole body.

"daddy i'm gonna cum." i cried out. he removed his mouth from me causing a whimper to fall from my mouth.

"suck daddy's dick." gus said whipping out his dick.

i crawled over to him and looked at him through my eyelashes as i licked the tip. he let out a moan as i began to take him all in my mouth. i choked on his dick until i was pushed on my back. gus, without warning, slammed inside of me and i let out a loud moan. his pace was slow but hard like he was tying take his time and last as long as possible.

"fuck baby." he moaned. he removed himself from me and flipped me around so my ass was in the air. he grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed himself inside of me.

"fuck." i screamed as he pounded into me.

"cum for me baby." he moaned in my ear.

i followed his commands and came unraveled around him. not soon after he came inside of me. we both lied there after breathing like we both just ran a marathon. i looked at him and smiled, he really fucked the attitude out of me.

"see baby, now we both feel better. but, i'll feel even more better if you cuddle with me." he said opening his arms.

"are you guys done?" i heard smoke yell into the bus.

"yea." gus laughed.

"uh gus the show is in like an hour." smoke said peeking his head through the curtain.

"aight. we'll get ready." gus said. he helped me pick out an outfit and i helped him.

the show was amazing, like always. me and the videographer wiggy were both in front of the stage and behind stage. wiggy was getting footage for music videos and live performances and i was getting pictures. i wasn't like a professional photographer but i wasn't the worst. i enjoyed taking pictures of GBC, especially gus. he looked so happy on stage.


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danibaby great last show! love this shot i took of  @kournikovax and @lilpeep ❤️ love you guys, sad the tours over but i'll see everyone asap🖤

thisispeep love how happy gus looks 😍
username i bet she's just a groupie
smokeasac i'll miss you and gus! stay safe🖤
kournikovax yoo send me the pics! i'll miss you girl❤️
lilpeep i love this picture. thanks baby 🖤
omgimwigs we need to shoot together again! enjoyed having you around on tour💕
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