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peep stayed at my brothers' house for a couple days and then i followed him home. i realized being away from gus was never going to make anything better so i stayed with him for a week. he was really different from anyone else i've been with. everything was so good right now i was just waiting for shit to spiral downwards.

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lilpeep this hellgirl let me be her hellboy<3

user101 noooo:(
username WHO?????
toopoor miss u hellboy<3
luvsux who is that ???
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6,890 comments gbcbitch AHHHH FINALLY user101 noooo:(username WHO?????user223 PEEP I LOVE YOUtoopoor miss u hellboy<3luvsux who is that ???view all comments

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danibaby look at my peepers. fuck the haters, this is all mine <3

gbcbitch FUCK YEA. I STAN.
toopoor ugh he'll be back w me soon;)
luvsux @toopoor literally FUCK OFF
username ew wtf.
tracyminajj a lucky man.
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i sighed and lied on peep's bed. i had went home yesterday and came back while he wasn't home to surprise him. i lied in his bed in just lingerie and waited for him to walk through his door. after about 15 minutes of waiting he finally walked through the door. he was laughing as jazz walked in behind him until he saw me in the bare minimum of clothing and covered jazz's eyes.

"get out. get out. get out." gus yelled causing me to erupt in giggles.

"gotdamnnn." he yelled. i laughed again as he looked me up and down with a hand over his mouth.

"god damn i really am lucky as fuck." he said keeping his eyes on me.

"come here hellboy." i said. he wasted no more time and climbed on top of me.

of course it was just as magical as any other time with peep but he was so much more gentle. like it was more sensual than rough and for once i liked the change. when we were finished he lit up a cigarette and we shared it.

"dani." gus said.

"gus." i said back.

"i love you." he whispered.

"gus i-" i started.

"it's okay boo. i know." he said pulling me into him.

"please don't leave me." i whispered. he didn't say anything, just ran his fingers through my hair.

"let's get fucked up." he said. he got up and pulled out henny and patron with a big smile on his face.

"bet." i said grabbing the hennessy bottle then started chugging it.

"damn!" he laughed.

"drink pussy." i said wiping my mouth.

"fuck you." he said opening the patron.

after about 20 minutes peep and i we're drunk. i had managed to drink a little over a fourth of the bottle and peep drank about half of the patron. i lied on his bed with the bottle in my hand while he rolled a blunt.

"gustav." i slurred.

"danielle." he slurred back.

"i want to have a threesome." i said.

"wait really." he said.

"hell yea! show me how to eat pussy like you do. that shits ah-fucking-mazing." i said kissing my fingers like an italian chef.

"baby don't play." he said.

"i'm serious gus!" i said now sitting up.

"i will literally text cat right now!" i yelled.

"ew not cat. i know someone!" he said grabbing his phone.

"what does she look like first!" i said looking at her contact photo.

"holy shit she's hot peep!" i said smacking him.

"ow why the fuck did you hit me!" he said.

"why are you talking to hot girls?" i pouted.

"baby she's 100% gay. we're gonna make you feel amazing." he said. he texted her and told her to come over.

gus and i couldn't wait and started before she even got there. when she opened the door i was throat deep on peep's dick. she just laughed and high fived gus. i took gus' dick out of my mouth and looked the girl up and down. i held my hand out for her and i helped her on the bed.

"she's cute gus." the girl laughed.

"hey watch it. that's still my girl brooke." he said.

"someone just friggen kiss me." i slurred. brooke chuckled and grabbed my face then kissed me.

i was pushed back onto the bed then brooke started kissing on my neck. i saw peep watching as he pleasured himself. i helped brooke strip and she took of my last item of clothing, my underwear. she started eating me out and i continued the blowjob on peep.

"fuck." i moaned.

"brooke trade me." peep begged. brooke moved up and kissed me before making sure it was okay for her to sit on my face. i allowed her to and tried my best to satisfy her since i've never done it before.

"gus." i moaned loudly as he stuck himself inside of me without warning.

to say that night was fun would be a complete understatement. although i don't remember that much of it i do remember enjoying the hell out of it. with peep i knew we'd have more night like that and man was i fucking psyched.

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