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"dani sweetie you have a package." liza hollered.

that's weird, i didn't order anything. i walked downstairs and liza was standing with the door open. i walked up to the door to see a huge package along with about a couple dozen roses. i grabbed the roses off the top and the box started moving. and there right in front of my face was the man i was scared to go home to. the man i thought hated me.

"gus?" i said quietly.

"baby i missed you." he said. his arms wrapped around me and i finally felt like me again.

"gus!" i cried.

"what are you doing here?" i asked when he let me go.

"i missed you and of course my mama." gus said hugging his mom.

"i was kinda scared to see you." he mumbled, scratching his neck and looking at the floor.

"why?" i said.

"i thought you hated me." he mumbled. he looked so innocent and nervous in the moment.

"gus i don't hate you." i said hugging him again.

after we all caught up we put on a movie on netflix. gus wouldn't keep his hands off of me the entire movie. it wasn't sexual touching though. he would feel for the baby to kick or press his ear against my stomach. or he would kiss my stomach. liza and i had to keep telling him to shut up because he kept talking to him.

"i missed my babies." he said after i shushed him.

"baby i know." i whispered, "gus we really have to talk after the movie."

he didn't say anything after, just nodded and lied his head on my stomach. i could tell he was nervous about the talk. i was nervous to say what i needed to say but if i didn't we wouldn't work out. so, once the movie ended, we told mama goodnight and gus carried me to his room.

"gus listen, you know how much i love you but i need to say all of this so our son can have the best life. first, you cannot believe everything your friends believe. gus you know how bad i want to be with you so why would i cheat? second, if you ever doubt this is your kid again i'll slap the dumbass out of you. third, have you been talking to layla?" i said. it felt like so long before he answered.

"okay so i was insecure one time and doubted you. it was wrong, i understand that. i know he's mine but i got scared okay? and yes i've been talking to layla. it's really not like that anymor-"

"i don't want to hear it gus. she doesn't like me. she's going to turn you against me and i'm going to lose you to her again." i said.

"dani she's my friend. nothing more, nothing less."

"gus you can't be friends with an ex."

"then stop talking to bexey." he said dead serious.

"really?" i was annoyed.

"it's practically the same thing dani!" he yelled.

"it definitely is not. and keep your voice down." i rolled my eyes.

"dani, layla was the one who told me to come here and sort things out with you!" he yelled, ignoring the fact that i told him to keep it down.

"gus, i'm done arguing with you, goodnight." i said leaving his room and going to the guest.

i was disappointed when i didn't hear footsteps behind me. i don't know why i expected him to chase after me but when he didn't it hurt. i climbed in bed and talked to my baby about his daddy. i always talked to him about gus, even when i was mad at him. he finally let me fall asleep but when i closed my eyes i felt the bed dip down next to me.

"dani layla doesn't mean what you mean to me. i don't want her like i want you. but i don't want either of you out of my life." gus said. i opened my eyes and propped myself up on the bed.

"gus do what you want. if that's what you think is best for you, go ahead. you have one chance to do anything that isn't friendly with her before i'm done. and i'm serious this time gus." i said. he nodded and i laid back down and closed my eyes.

"goodnight." he said kissing my forehead and then my belly.

"i love you, both." he said.

"goodnight gus, i love you." i whispered.

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