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bexey left to record i begged him to let me go with him. he of course said no so i sat alone in my apartment watching random movies on netflix. i grabbed my phone and texted peep. i haven't seen him in over a week.

to Peepers🐣❤️: i miss you. please come over.
from Peepers🐣❤️: who tf is this???
to Peepers🐣❤️: we don't talk for a week and you don't even have my number saved anymore. ok..
from Peepers🐣❤️: back off my man😂

i threw my phone down and just stared at it angrily. he had already found someone to replace me. i mean i couldn't be too mad because i kinda fucked one of his friends but this girl was actually claiming peep. i got a notification and i hurriedly grabbed my phone.

lilpeep posted a new photo

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lilpeep my boo is da cutest @toopoor ❤️

gusbaby WHY TF????
user222 you finally ditched dani??
gbcbitch uhhhh you better be kidding peep.
toopoor much luv gus❤️
danibaby so i'm just nothing now?
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i screamed. i was so beyond frustrated with everyone right now. i wanted to punch everyone in the fucking face. i grabbed my phone and decided to post a picture i took a month ago and sent to peep.


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danibaby remember when your hands were on my body? now i'm just nothing right...?

kittycat UR SO HOT !!!!
gbcbitch wtf if going on w u and peep
peepers69 "body positivity" headass. just a slut
toopoor attention whore 💀
bexeyswan yo fucking delete this shit.
lilpeep ^^^^
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i laughed at the fact that the girl had the audacity to comment under my pic. she just wants clout from gus. she doesn't want him like i do. i laughed at the thought and just went back to my movie. then, about an hour later, bexey came back with peep.

"bexey what is he doing here?" i asked, i was beyond pissed right now.

"y'all are gonna sit the fuck down and talk about this shit because you're both a fucking mess without each other." bexey said, pushing peep down on the couch.

"i have nothing to say to you gustav." i said looking at my nails.

"your bruises are going away." he said reaching out to touch my face.

"you can kindly fuck off." i said smacking his hand from my face.

"bexey get him out of my house." i yelled.

"no. talk that shit out." he yelled back.

"i hate you gus." i said staring him dead in the eyes.

"no you don't." he said gently placing his hand on my face.

"you clearly don't feel for me. you have a girlfriend gus." i said looking away but allowing his hand to stay.

"baby look at me." peep said.

"gus please leave." i said. his phone started ringing and i grabbed it before he could.

layla<3 wants to facetime.

i answered the phone and made sure my face was on the screen.

"gus wh- who the fuck?"

"who is this?" i said. gus didn't even try to grab for his phone.

"this is gus' girlfriend. who are you?" she said

"i'm dani." i said sweetly.

"gus get this bitch off the screen and talk to me!" she said. she was so pissed. i hit the end call button.

"that was so hot." gus said.

"oh really." i said putting my hand on his chest.

"show me how hot you thought it was." i whispered in his ear. he pushed me back onto the couch and kissed my neck.

"you would love that wouldn't you." he said then got up and left my apartment. i felt all types of emotions running through my body but the main was i was horny.

"bexxeyyyyy." i hollered. i walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. my hands snakes themselves under the waistband of his sweats.

"dani i don't think we should do that again." he pleaded.

"bexey i need to get my mind off him." i whined. he had his black contacts in and when his eyes stared back at me i sunk down a bit.

"go to the room and get ready. i'll be in in five minutes. if you're not ready i'm punishing you." he said and i took off to the room.

i stripped out of my clothes and lied on the bed naked with my legs spread. i snaked my hand down to my core and began to play with myself. i closed my eyes and threw my head back when i heard bexey clear his throat.

"that's my job." he said walking over to me. he grabbed my hand and sucked on my fingers. he grabbed me by my throat and told me to open my mouth. i followed his orders and he spit in my mouth.

"i'm going to make sure you can't walk." he whispered.

bexey kept to his word because after he was finished with me i didn't even want to move. i fell asleep naked while lying on his chest.

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