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halloween night. gus was too excited to go out and trick-or-treat with eli. i'm sure he was just excited because him and i get to eat all this candy. gus was rushing around and getting everything ready. he packed the diaper bag and got the stroller out all while carrying eli around on his chest. he was super dad in real life.

"baby." he sang.

"gussie." i sang back.

"are you ready my beautiful devil?" he said.

"i'm ready if you are my handsome, what are you again?" i asked laughing.

"i'm a goth skeleton baby." he said.

"so after we take eli trick or treating we're coming back here?" liza asked

"and then me and dani are going to my concert." gus said.

"okay lets go." i said, dragging gus out the door.

the night with eli was the most fun i've had in forever. a few fans found us and took a some pictures and we gave them free backstage passes to the show later. by the time we got home eli was asleep and gus was hyped about his show.

it was about 9:30 by the time gus was ready to leave. we got to the club around 10 and gus was so high he wouldn't stop laughing. he didn't leave my side either. held my hand until he had to go on stage. but then he made me come on stage with him. i left to grab his cake.

"happy birthday to you." i sang and all the lights turned off. the candles on the cake and the flashes from everyone's phones illuminated the stage.

"happy birthday to you." i sang softer. he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"happy birthday dear gussie." i sat the cake down on the table and grabbed his hand.

"happy birthday to you." i finished and he blew out his candles.

"happy birthday peep!" everyone screamed.

"thank you guys so much! i love you all so much." he yelled and everyone cheered. he wrapped me up in a tight hug and attacked me with kisses.

"thank you." he whispered into my ear.

he looked up to the crowd and i snuck a few soft kisses to his neck. his grip on my hand intensified. i smiled innocently at him while he remained as calm as possible. he looked out to the crowd and then back to me. he looked me in my eyes and i looked back in his.

"i love you." he said.

"i love you gus." i said. he planted his lips on mine and everyone started screaming.

"hey bitch!" someone yelled.

i found myself on the floor with some girl on top of me. i went to defend myself when another girl punched me in my jaw. next thing i know two more girls were on top of me. seconds later they were being dragged away by a group of security. i sat up confused. gus picked me up off the ground and took me backstage.

"dani are you okay?" he asked.

"i-" i started, then i started crying. i just cried for a few minutes.

"baby don't cry." he said sitting next to me.

"i hate this." i said.

"i wish you weren't famous. i hate this so much." i cried. he stayed quiet.

"i can't do it. i can't." i mumbled.

"baby calm down." he said placing his hand on my bouncing knee.

"peep! peep! peep! peep!" everyone cheered. he looked to the stage but then back to me.

"go on." i said wiping my eyes. i got up and walked out of the back. he didn't follow, instead did as he was told.

i leaned against the brick wall and someone propped themselves next to me. i could feel the presence and i felt comfortable. it was tracy. he lit a cigarette and handed it to me then lit one for himself.

"hey." he said breaking the silence.

"hi." i mumbled and took a hit.

"i heard you and gus back there." he said.

"so what?"

"do you really think he loves you?"

"i'd like to believe so."

"and after everything he's done?"

"the past is the past."

"you really believe people just change?"

"tracy what are you getting at?" i said now looking him in the eye.

"he's going to do it again is what i'm trying to say."

"you don't know what you're talking about." i laughed.

"i've i known gus for a long time dani."

"you haven't talked to him in months tracy!"

"doesn't mean i don't know him danielle. just because you had his kid doesn't mean he's going to become this perfect man. it's not in his blood."

"he is awfully perfect right now."

"then where is he now? on stage in front of people who just attacked you. i'm here right now, not gus."

"tracy that's his life!"

"no you should be his life. his life should be your family. i know how gus is about his music but family should always be number one priority."

"you have no clue what you're talking about." i said flicking my cigarette away. i went to walk back inside but tracy grabbed my hips and whispered in my ear.

"and when he fucks up again come my way." he spun me around and looked me in the eyes.

"dani?" gus said, his voice cracked.

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