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gus left a few hours ago and i had just finished packing my suitcase. i needed a break from everything and the only way to get away is to go stay with my brothers. they technically weren't my blood brothers but i've known them for forever. when i got to their house they helped me cut and dye my hair and it was just like when we were younger in the foster home. when i was 15 and they were 17 helping me dye my hair. i didn't realize how much i missed my brothers until now.

"so tell me about this boy." austin asked.

"his name is gus and we're both horrible for each other. we fight all the time but then end up cuddling and or fucking hours later. i don't know what to do about him anymore. he's taken over all my thoughts." i spoke.

"oooooo someone is in love." justin said.

"i literally already know i am. i hate that i am." i sighed.

"i want to meet him." justin said.

"the whole point of coming out to stay with you was to get away from him." i said

"dani you're stupid. you're in love with dude and you can't just give up on love." austin said.

"text him dani." justin begged.

"you guys are literally the worst." i said grabbing my phone. it's like i couldn't stay away from gus no matter how hard i tried.

to Peepers🐣❤️: my brothers want to meet you..
from Peepers🐣❤️: ..why?
to Peepers🐣❤️: idk they just do.
from Peepers🐣❤️: uh okay? what's the address??

i gave him the address and went to get ready. i threw on one of his hoodies and some black jeans with fishnets under them. i reached in the hoodie pocket and found a letter. i opened it up and it said:

dear dani,
     i'm really sorry for everything. i'm sorry i'm too fucked up to give you the love you deserve. i'm sorry i didn't see you in the hospital. i'm sorry i made you get hurt. i really wish you never met me. you have always been here for me and i wish i could say i've been there for you. but the fact is i'm not and i feel so shitty for it. my heart hurts when i hurt you but i'm so scared of the love i feel for you. you're someone my mom would love to see me with.
i'm sorry,

i started crying halfway through the letter. my heart felt like it was going to explode. i wonder how long i've had that and i haven't known. i just wanted to hug gus so bad right now.


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danibaby i got the message....

peepers22 THATS PEEPS HOODIE !!!
user334 oof that's tuff
toopoor get my boyfriends hoodie off..
username gus deserves better :)
lilpeep <3 i'm outside
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i saw peeps comment and before i could get the door austin and justin were standing at the door. i watched gus walk through the door and my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest. gus walked away right up to me and gave me the biggest hug.

"gus this is austin and justin. it's okay if you get their names wrong. i do sometimes." i said, standing awkwardly as the three most important guys in my life stared at each other.

they all got along so well and it made me so happy. i don't know what i would've done if they didn't get along. i would probably be so upset. the subject of the layla incident came up and i got interested in the conversation.

"so who's the toopoor girl commenting on dani's pics?" austin asked.

"some girl i was with. i just broke up with her and she doesn't understand." gus said.

gus and my brothers plays some stupid game on the xbox while i scrolled through instagram. gus got upset when he lost and grabbed me and ran away. i screamed and laughed as he took off running to the guest bedroom.

"hey you guys better not fuck!" justin, i think, yelled through the door.

"no promises!" i yelled. i walked over and locked the door then pushed gus on the bed.

"i bet bexey didn't fuck you like i did." he whispered.

"shut up." i said.

"let me show what you've missed." he said.

i said nothing as his hands slipped my shirt off and his eyes scanned my body. he reached down and slowly pulled my shorts off. his hand slithered between my legs and he smirked as he felt the waterfall between my legs.

"man you really did miss me." he said, then slipped my underwear off of me.

gus ducked his head down between my legs and not even five minutes later my legs were shaking. my fingers tangled in his hair as i let out quiet swears and moans. finally i came undone around his tongue and i couldn't control my breathing. my heart was beating faster than it ever has.

"you taste so good boo." he said wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. in this moment, when gus' face was between my legs and he looked at me with love in his eyes, i knew i was completely in love.

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