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halloween is in a couple weeks and gus has never been so excited. he's been searching everywhere for halloween costumes for eli. he's been looking for costumes since october first. i love that he's so excited for him to experience his first halloween. i knew he'd be a good daddy but i didn't expect him to be like this.

i've got dms from a lot of people on instagram apologizing about their comments. i felt victorious. that bitch should have never talked about me or my baby. she had no right to. she's not in gus' life anymore. in fact she's off dating one of his supposedly best friends but gus isn't bothered about it. that's the thing with gus, he doesn't keep grudges. he'll be mad for a little but as he says "life is too short to stay mad."

gus and i were now on the way to pick liza up from the airport. he was so excited for his mom to meet her grandson. to say the least gus was so proud of his son already. he always wants to show him off to everyone. the only thing i won't let him do is post him on instagram. i don't think either of us can deal with the hate from people on his instagram.

"mama!"gus said hugging her tight.

i stood back with eli in my hands and smiled at them. they finally disconnect and liza rushed over to me and eli and hugged me for a split second. when she let go her eyes went to eli and she started crying. i handed him over and he looked at her then to me.

"he's so beautiful." she said touching his face.

"he is isn't he." gus said smiling.

gus talked to liza about watching eli tonight on the way home. apparently he had some sort of date night planned for us. i felt terrible for not spending tonight with liza but she insisted it was fine. she was excited to watch eli tonight. little did she know his little cute ass was a pain in mine. i hope tracy and bex help her or i'll have to beat their asses.

once we got to the house i started getting ready. gus was excited and couldn't stop bothering me so i gave him the job to pick me out an outfit. i wasn't expecting much from his outfit but it was actually really cute. gus whined and we finally were about to leave the house when i started to feel sad.

"call me if you need anything. also don't be surprised if i don't stop calling you. take care of my baby." i said hugging liza.

"i got this sweetheart." she said kissing my cheek. gus and her hugged before he dragged me out of the house.

"where are we going?" i asked.

"a picnic." he said.

"gus it's almost dark out." i laughed.

"i know." he smiled.

we drove for quite a while before he pulled down a gravel street. he grabbed stuff out and laid it down on the grass. i held a lantern as did he. we set them on each side of us and we began our date. this was probably the most romantic thing gus has ever done for me. i blushed at the thought.


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danibaby your love has never felt so surreal. like i'm living in a dream. you make me whole.

claud9 my beautiful gf :')
gothbitchclick wow u look so good. glowing
gothicwhore how tf do you look good after giving birth to a baby and taking care of it for two months?
littlestpeep photocreds @lilpeep
x.danielle.x ur so hot.
lilpeep @littlestpeep at least someone recognizes my amazing fuckin skill :'(
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my boyfriend sat in front of me going on about some story but i couldn't focus. i saw his lips moving but it's like the words went in from one ear and out the other. i just stared at the way his eyes lit up when he told the story. and how he laughed when he thought his own joke was funny. then my eyes went to his hands. those beautiful painted hands. he always had me paint them for him. his favorite was red.

"babe are you even listening?" he asked.

"i was trying to but you distracted me." i chuckled.

"i've been talking for 10 fuckin minutes!" he laughed.

"i'm sorry. you're just such a pretty boy!" i laughed.

"oh so you only love me for my looks." he said fake crying.

"well that and your dick." i laughed.

"wow." he said dragging out the 'ow'.

"i'm kidding babyyyy." i said wrapping my arms around him.

"i love youuu." i said kissing all over his face.

he pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead. he clung my body to his like it was some sort of safety blanket. i wrapped my legs around his body and clung back to him. i couldn't fathom what my life would be like if i hadn't met him. honestly, i probably wouldn't be alive right now.

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