Chapter 1: 'To friendship'

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Elena's POV

As Shawn and I stood in the bustling airport, eagerly awaiting Harry's arrival, the anticipation in the air was palpable. Shawn, ever the animated one, gestured enthusiastically, trying to catch Harry's attention amidst the crowd. My heart was a whirlwind of emotions, a mix of anxiety and fear swirling within me. The fear of losing myself to Harry, of succumbing to emotions I had buried for years, loomed large in my mind.

It had been an eternity since I last laid eyes on Harry, four long years that felt like a lifetime. Would our reunion reignite the same sparks as before, or would he see me through different eyes now, perhaps as a woman rather than just a friend? Harry's views on love and relationships were a stark contrast to Shawn's unwavering devotion. Harry, with his playboy reputation, had never been one to settle down, believing that relationships weren't worth the trouble. The complexity of my feelings for both men weighed heavily on me.

Shawn, in his own way, had always been there for me, showering me with attention and affection. His unwavering love and efforts to please me were undeniable, but deep down, I knew my heart belonged to Harry in a way that transcended gestures and words. Love, as they say, cannot be bought or forced; it simply is.

The internal turmoil intensified as Harry's presence drew nearer. The conflict between my feelings for Harry and my relationship with Shawn gnawed at my conscience. I had often contemplated ending things with Shawn, feeling the guilt of harboring emotions for his best friend. The thought of confessing my love for Harry to Shawn was a daunting prospect, knowing it would shatter him. Yet, despite his awareness of my wavering feelings, Shawn held onto the hope that we could make it work.

Lost in my thoughts, Shawn's voice broke through the haze as Harry finally appeared. My heart somersaulted as I laid eyes on him, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within me. His mere presence was breathtaking, casting a spell on me with just a look.

"Whoa, dude!" Harry gave Shawn a quick side hug the moment he spotted him.

"You've been hitting the gym, huh?" Shawn teased.

"And you've been indulging a bit too much," Harry fired back with a grin.

"Well, my girl here has been spoiling me with her cooking skills," Shawn smirked, shooting a glance in my direction. It was all so surreal. Harry's gaze lingered on me intensely. What was he seeing that I wasn't aware of? The way he scrutinized me left me feeling unsettled. I knew I was supposed to engage in the usual 'long time, no see' greetings, but my lips seemed glued shut. Despite the awkwardness, I couldn't deny that Harry was looking good. His eyes suddenly drifted down to my chest, and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. What was he staring at?

"Hey, she's all grown up now!" Harry teased, making me squirm. I instinctively covered my chest with both hands, even though it was already covered by my clothes. It felt like he could see right through me.

"What the..." I almost let out a curse in shock.

"Harry, we're in public!" I raised my arms in a gesture of surprise, inadvertently exposing my chest. His eyes darted back there, prompting me to quickly shield myself with my hands.

They both chuckled at my expense, making me feel like a complete fool. Boys could be so bizarre.

"Alright, my bad. You've blossomed into quite the beauty. If that's more fitting," Harry remarked, placing a comforting hand on my arm as we strolled back to where Shawn had parked his car. In that moment, emotions long suppressed surged forth. It felt like old times when we were just friends. But Harry could never be just a friend to me. He meant so much more.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny Harry." I forgot Harry loved to tease me so much back in high school. It was an experience I shouldn't have forgotten.

I could deeply remember when Harry played a prank on me by sending me love letter anonymously into my locker when he knew no guy has ever asked me out yet. There I was feeling so excited that there was someone out there that had feelings for me. The most foolish part was me blushing when i told them about the love letters that blew me away. Then the foolish Mr. jerk face finally confessed it was all a prank that he played and i shouldn't keep my hopes up. I was dumbstruck!

We kept on arguing and teasing each other even when we entered into the car. Shawn drove while Harry and I sat at the back seat. Shawn laughed away while I was so irritated by Harry's jokes.

"I swear If you ever say that again, I'll make sure you never fuck a girl again." I spat out. I couldn't help but snap back at Harry's inappropriate joke. Who asks about sex lessons from porn videos? It was classic Harry, always pushing boundaries. Shawn seemed to enjoy our back-and-forth, finding amusement in our arguments. We could spend the whole day to find out who's better between Harry and I.

Arriving at the house, Shawn helped Harry with his luggage, adding to the playful tension between us.

"Final question, Shawn who's hotter between Harry and I?" I asked, with my right hand at my waist. We've been arguing all the way since we met at the airport. I have to say, I really miss this feeling.

"Shawn wouldn't tell the truth because he's your boyfriend. We both know who is and that person is only me." Harry's confident response made me roll my eyes in irritation. His self-assured wink only added to the banter.

Harry took out a bottle of beer from the fridge pouring into three glasses.

"To friendship." He said as we raised a toast.

I couldn't help but watch him closely as he took that first sip. The dynamic between us was as intriguing as ever, filled with tension, banter, and a hint of something more. There was a lot i was dying to do when i saw him at the airport. Dirty thoughts took over my mind at that moment. I just don't know how we became friends and why he looked at me differently and acted differently around me. Wasn't i pretty enough?

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