Chapter 34: Thirsty to kill

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Anna's POV

I followed Amelia to her house, without her knowing. I couldn't control myself anymore. I was determined to do what I wanted; Kill her. She had over stepped her boundaries so I'm going to put her where she belongs.

I got out of my car few minutes later after she got in. I wanted her to feel relaxed. I mean, it's her last breathe you know. I opened the door that was left unlock. She was having her shower. I looked around the living room, taking away time. I saw some pictures of Shawn hanging around. She surely loves Shawn but I love him better and no one can take him away from me. Not even Elena.

I brought out my gun and relaxed carefully on the seat, having a glass of wine. Just as I closed my eyes, every part of me was thirsty for blood and revenge, Amelia caught me off from her look of surprise.

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you even get in?" Amelia asked, bewildered.

"Tut tut tut tut tut, You would have been so lucky tonight assuming you locked your door but I guess you left an invitation for me." I smile.

"Just get out weirdo." She ordered.

"Oh, I will but not until I kill you." I pulled out my gun, pointing it at her.

"Oh my god!" She tried to run but I shoot her on her right leg. She crawled, not giving up and trying all her best to call for help but oops, no one's coming.

"Looking for this." I waved her cellphone at her. I knew she was going to look for it when I do this so she could call the police.

"Please, please...don't kill me. Please! I'll do anything. Please!" She cried and pleaded.

"And why shouldn't I kill you?" I sat down again, taking a sip from my wine.

"If I don't kill you, you would go back to Shawn and play some game I should be playing. Let me make this clear, you stole what's mine. Shawn is mine and I think I have shared him long enough." I aimed and shot her. She was gone. Mission accomplished.
Who's next?

Harry's pov

I drove into his garage and got out of the car quickly. I was getting more worried. I felt like something bad must have happened to her. I broke in, shouting 'Elena' but I got no response. I was losing it. I climbed up to Damien's room and stormed  in seeing Elena lifeless on the bed. She was pale, injured and weak. I ran quickly to her, feeling so guilty that I couldn't protect her. I couldn't save her. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken her there.

Where the hell is that piece of crap?! I should have killed him at the beach and destroyed his fucking peanut. He's not going to get away this time. He hurt my El. Just as I covered Elena's half naked body, Damien came out of the shower. I didn't even realize he was in there. The first thing I did was throw him a fist, kick him down to the ground and made sure he bled but still I wasn't satisfied. He hurt her. He touched what was mine!

"How dare you?!" I growled, kicking and throwing him several punches uncontrollably.

"How dare you touch her?!"

"She was great in bed, Harry." He laughed weakly, blood dripping down from his lips.

I kicked him more harder as he spoke. He still had the nerve.

"What's wrong, Harry? Finish the job." He knew I wished to kill him but I just couldn't as I heard Elena groan in pains.

"Ha....rry, stop." She spoke weakly. Her voice made me feel sober.

"C'mon kill me, Harry. You wanted this." He laughs, knowing I didn't have the courage to do it since Elena was there. I don't want her seeing this.

"Fuck you, Damien." I kicked him at his delicate area, setting him up on fire.

"You come close to her or me, your dick will be hanged as a banner." I lift her up from the bed, taking her to my car. I took her straight to the hospital, where she needed treatment. I called Anna immediately, telling her the hospital I was taking her. I knew she would be worried about her friend.

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