Chapter 45

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Elena's pov

I stood with him agape, thinking of what to say. Shawn pulled it off, Harry. I mean, we were about to have sex. No, no, no. That will set him off the edge and he would lose interest in touching me. Why now? I groan inside of me. I don't want to lie to him. Besides, Shawn and I never had a moment.

"Will you speak m'lady?" Harry looks more excited than I was now.

"I.. was getting prepared just as you wanted. No panties in the way." I joked, hoping he believed.

"Oh really." He sounds amused. He tucked my hair to my ear, wanting to kiss me down my neck when his brow creases, letting out a tone of anger.


"What?" I looked perplexed. What could set him off quickly?

"Why do you have a hickey on your neck?" Harry looks at me in anger.

"'s not." I tried speaking but I didn't have the courage to tell him.

"Shit." He covers his face fully with his palm, looking back at me. He felt so sad and angry. It affected him badly.

"You both had sex while I was away." He was completely disappointed, fighting away the tears. It was like I was cheating on him but it was completely the opposite.

"No, no...Harry I swear it didn't happen."

"Why should I believe you?" He sat down, feeling betrayed.

I went on my knees, facing him boldly but he looked away. I brought his face back to me, giving him the answer he needs.

"Because i love you." He needed a reminder of what i felt for him. I could see his face change so easily with just those words.

He brings me closer to him, our foreheads touching each other.

"What did you do to me, El?" He felt so weak, like I had full control over him. He was nothing without me.

"There's only one way to find out?" I smirk, pushing him to relax on the sofa. He obliges as i zip down his pants. I could feel he was nervous. I loved the way I made him feel.

I pulled off everything that was in my way. I just wanted to dangerously touch him. I took him full in my mouth, massaging it the way i please. He shut his eyes, accepting the feeling. I became hard on him, his eyes coldly open.

"Fuck, El..." He moaned. I wanted him to say my name.

"You've dang..erously enough." He stops me, bringing me closer to him.

"My turn." He smirks, looking at me with lustful eyes.

"TAKE IT OFF." He ordered. I was definitely not going to decline him. I was already damp.

I stripped myself off the gown that covered my body. Harry's eyes never moved else where. Except on me. I could see the way he was taking away just by the look of my body. He's body was weak to this. Like i was affecting him.

"God, Elena." He looked at me fully, astonished with what his eyes beheld.

"You're beyond perfect." He came closer to me, taking my lips full. I could feel the effects of his words on me. I accepted him, kissing him back with so much pleasure. He was all I needed.

He released me, picking up his jean. He brought out the foil packet, giving me a lustful grin.

He lifted me up from the ground. I was wondering what he was about to do.


I nod in excitement.


He put me gently on the bed. I was already eager to have him inside of me. He opened the packet, inserting it.

"I'm not going to go easy on you. You have been very naughty." He grins wickedly, flipping me over. He went inside me with no time to waste. The feeling was relishing. He felt cold inside of me. His pacing was slow at first, allowing me to welcome the feeling but he took me by surprise, going hard on me.

"What the fuck, Harry." I moaned, also wishing i could scold him at the moment but i think he enjoys what he's doing. He pulled off his shirt, putting back his concentration on me. He smirks, knowing that he affects me.

My body began to ache for more. I wanted him to quicken his pace.

"SAY IT, EL." He ordered.

"I...want more...." I say like a little baby begging for sweets.

"That's what I'd like to hear."

Our past memories in high school kept coming back.

"I know you like him Elena. Don't you worry. Your secret is safe with me but luckily, I'm the only one getting fucked by him." Ryn chuckled lightly, giving me a devilish smile. I clenched my fists, wishing i could just knock her off in the girl's bathroom. I wanted.. wished he was only mine.

"Harder." I tell Harry.

"Harry, Harry..." I entered his house which i met unlocked. I couldn't find him. We were meant to work on a school project together.

Where could he be? I thought.

I opened the door to his room. I was taking by surprise. I felt so much anger inside of me as i saw Harry having sex with the school's bitch. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so badly and i did but still he never noticed my presence.

"Hello there." Ryn grins happily, seeing me hurt. Harry turns his back to look at who it was. I turned my back quickly, wiping away my tears.

"Shit, Elena, El!" He called out to me but i was already out of his house. I took my bicycle and left quickly. I just couldn't wait to let out my tears in my room alone.

"Harder." I ordered again.

"The hell, Elena!" Harry stops, surprised i was crying. I didn't even know I lost control. He wrapped me around his arms as I cried uncontrollably.

"Please don't cry." He comforts me.

"Harry, don't ever leave me. Promise me."

"I promise. I'm all yours." He brushes his hands softly on my hair.

Darkness welcomes me with open arms.

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