Chapter 62: Farewell

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It was a confusing moment for everyone expect me. Even Anna was shocked. I guess i wasn't late. They were  just about to exchange rings. How the hell could she think she could outsmart me? She won't get away with this. Harry will surely know it's me.

"Alright, Alright, everyone should snap out of this. It's not a dream and there's no way we are twins. It's just been a mix up. That bitch over there isn't me, Harry. It's Anna." Their voices grew louder in confusion.

"I'm confused. This... this can't be. No way. I have only one child and that's Elena." My mom spoke out of confusion.

"And she's right here, mom." I spoke.

"No, it's me. She's just come to ruin my wedding." The fake 'me' spoke.

"You don't look surprised." My mom spoke to Anna.

"I..Of course..I'm surprised. I mean how is this possible?" She tried acting but it was quite evident that she knew something..

"Shut the hell up you bitch. I don't even know why I'm arguing about this. Harry say something!" I'm damn ready to pull her hair.

"I don't know...what to say. I'm confused. How will I know the real you? This doesn't make any sense." He pauses and snaps his fingers.

"Wait a sec, I think I know how to sort this out." He says excitedly.

"Harry, it's obviously me. What's the need?" Anna interjected.

I shook my head in frustration. She wouldn't just give up.

"Okay, first question, Where did we have our first sex?" Harry asks.

"The ranch house!" We both spoke. 

Shit, I told Anna about it. I told her almost everything.

"Okay, this is getting nowhere. I mean, I thought having sex was meant to be private. Did you guys...just forget it. Next question, what was the most weirdest moment you have ever been into with me?"

"Uh..Yes..the time you pulled off your underwear in the bathroom and I saw you know...the stuff." I spoke, a little shy as I remember that incident.

"Okay, that's a close one."

"Yeah one more thing, Harry the time we were having our shower, I really wanted to get in bed with you but you know I always felt you act all bossy all the time." I poured out my emotions.

"I do that all the time?" He questioned.


"You know at that moment, I also wanted to get in bed with you, pull off those underwear myself and strike you dangerously but you were playing to hard to get as always." He smirks, remembering that same incident.

"You serious?"


"Okay, party's over." She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Harry. Our discussion made her irritated that she couldn't take it any longer.

"Anna, please don't." I pleaded, wishing not to be put in this position ever again.

"You know what, I think I have had enough crap in my life. Why don't we just end this shit? I press this button here and this place blows. All of us into ashes. Fair right?"

"No, No..Anna. Stop all this." Someone said out of the blue. I turned back only to see Mara, Anna's mom.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Anna looked surprised. The last time she saw was when she was insisting to send her to a rehabilitation program.

"You need to see the doctor. You're getting worse."

"No! I'm not going back there! Alright. I'm not crazy!"

"Then what are you doing right now. What's all this? New face and that in your hands."

"It''s... you don't get to choose for me!" She hit the button and everywhere was blur in my eyes.

Was I dead? Were we?

I opened my eyes and everything was normal except the part were Anna was arrested. What the hell just happened?

Harry pulled me to the altar, everything still blur to me.

"Harry, what happened? I thought we..."

"Died? No, She missed a thing or two in her bomb trap and her mom injected her with some stuff that made her unconscious."

" we got lucky." I say, digesting the whole drama.

"I can't still believe I almost got married to Anna." Harry says with feeling of disgust.

"Me too. I can't believe i'm having a crazy wedding." I laughed.

We both shared our vows and had the best crazy wedding ever.


"I guess this is going to be good bye then. I mean for now." Sharon says sadly, trying to contain herself.

"Oh cmon, Sharon. we're just going for our honey moon for some weeks. Exams are starting soon." I remind her.

"I know, I know. I'm just going to miss you." She hugs me.

"Hope you guys have fun making babies like we did." Sharon's husband approaches us.

"Stephen! When did you arrive?" Sharon hugs him.

"Few hours ago." He says.

"But..." Sharon sounded a little worried with the idea of leaving the kids behind.

"The kids are fine. They are with mom." He tells her.

"Oh, great." She felt relieved.

"So, I guess you haven't met each other. Stephen meet Harry." Sharon introduced.

They both shook hands.

"Hope you guys have fun making babies." He smirks.

"No, totally not now. Right, El?"

"Uh....yeah...totally not. We're still young for that." The thought of getting pregnant felt weird.

"When it comes, it comes. You don't push it away. Don't let me ruin the moment. Wish you guys safe trip." Stephen and Sharon wished us farewell. We were going with Harry's private jet to Paris!

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