Chapter 19: You're all mine

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Shawn's POV

She yawned softly, kissing my chest before lifting her face to mine.

"Oh baby, you're awake." She caressed my cheeks. Something just felt weird and I was right about it when I finally saw the girl's face.

"Anna!" I screamed, removing her hands away from my face. 

"What?" She sat up, covering her body with the duvet.

"What? Why are we both on the same bed? What the fuck happened last night?! Why am I in your room? Tell me we didn't..." I checked underneath the sheet.

"Oh, fuck." I covered my face in shame.

"Yes, we did fuck. And it was the best night and best sex ever, Shawn. You showed me how to be a woman last night. Can't lie, you messed me up pretty bad last night. Oh god, make me wanna feel that again." She shook out her tongue, licking her lips in a seductively manner.

"Stay away from me. You're sick." I got up from the bed , taking my shorts on the floor.

"Nice dick." She smirked as she watched me dress.

"I thought Elena was your friend." I shook my head in disbelief. I can't  just believe this. It feels like a dream. I still don't know how last night went.

"Yeah, she was...not until she took you from me. Shawn I love you in many ways you can't imagine." She stood up from the bed, coming closer to me naked and whispered something to my ear.

"I knew I was missing something. You were incredible last night." She kissed my ear going down my abs, her hands at my sensitive area. Oh god, she just electrocuted me. Fuck, this is so wrong.

"Morning sex is the best you know. That's if you want." Her hands sent sparks to my body.

"I'm not falling for this Anna. You're nothing else but a bitch and Elena's going to hear about how bitchy you've been." I moved away from her, wearing my sweatshirt.

"Who's stopping you? That's even the best part. Just don't  forget to tell her how you fucked me pretty badly. Tell her how manly you were but still she's not going to believe you. You wanna know why? Cause I'm her best friend. You were drunk and you took advantage of me." She chuckled, forming a light smirk on her lips.

"That's not true." I corrected.

"Shawn, I really feel pity for you, you know." She sighs.

"Elena doesn't even love you." She sat on the bed, looking at me with pity eyes.

"And how did you know that?" I asked, checking my missed calls. Elena called severally last night. Shit! I really messed up.

"Because I'm her friend? Very soon, you'll come to realize I was right about this. You don't own her, someone's else does." She laid on the bed.

"I'm not going stay here for a sec to listen to your shitty stories." I say, taking my leave.

"Don't say I didn't tell you." She laughed.

"Not a word about this gets out." I threatened her but I wasn't sure if she was going to buy that.

"I'll think about that baby." She winks at me but I roll my eyes away.

I left the house before she could say one more word. She's the devil. Elena needs to stay away from her. I need to stay away from her.

"You're all mine, Shawn. All mine."

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