Chapter 8: Deep feelings

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Elena's pov

I sprinted after Shawn, my heart pounding with regret, realizing the grave error I had committed by kissing Harry, especially knowing Shawn's jealous nature.

"Shawn, please, wait," I pleaded desperately, but Shawn continued to stride forward, deaf to my words.

"Shawn, please... I'm sorry. Wait," I implored, but he remained resolute, not even glancing back.

"Please!" I cried out, the desperation evident in my voice.

"Leave me alone, okay," Shawn's response was firm, his tone reflecting his hurt and anger.

"Why are you so mad at me?!" I exclaimed, frustration and confusion evident in my gestures. I couldn't fathom why Shawn was so upset; after all, it was just a game, wasn't it?

"Are you really asking me that fucking question?! Huh," Shawn retorted, his breathing ragged with emotion.

"I just saw you kissing my best friend, right in front of me, and you think everything is okay?!" His words pierced through me, the weight of his hurt palpable in the tense air between us.

"Shawn, It was just a game." I murmured, trying to reassure him, my hands gently clasping his.

"But it's not just any guy, El. It's Harry. I saw the way you looked at him after that kiss. Don't lie to me," Shawn's voice was tinged with hurt and suspicion, his eyes searching mine for answers.

"Shawn, I don't feel anything for Harry. You know that!" I insisted, the tears threatening to spill over. I despised the dishonesty that had crept into my words.

As I spoke, I reached up and cradled his neck with both hands, hoping to convey the depth of my sincerity.

"I love you, Shawn, only you. I promise. Don't let this silly kiss mess with your head. Damien is just trying to stir up trouble between us, but we're stronger than that. I love you, okay?" I affirmed, sealing my words with a soft kiss.

"Let's leave this place," Shawn suggested, his voice filled with a mix of emotions.

I nodded in agreement, although uncertainty lingered in my mind about our destination.

Harry Pov

I couldn't shake off the memory of Elena's lips against mine. The sensation lingered, refusing to fade. Damien's dare had caught me off guard, but deep down, I knew it was his way of seeking retribution for what happened between Shawn and his girlfriend on that fateful birthday. Shawn had been too intoxicated to know what was happening, and the aftermath was a mess of apologies and unspoken tensions. Between us, Damien and I both understood that his girlfriend had been yearning for Shawn, dissatisfied with what Damien had to offer.

That kiss, orchestrated by Damien, had stirred up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within me. It was exhilarating, forbidden, and undeniably wrong, yet I found myself reveling in every stolen moment. My decision to pull away was not fueled by lack of desire but rather the fear of Shawn's volatile temper. I had considered wiping away any trace of that kiss, but Elena's impulsive confession had shattered that plan, exposing my hidden feelings.

I had wanted to tell Elena the truth, to confess the depths of my feelings for her, but the weight of potential consequences loomed large. "Elena, what I feel for you is indescribable; I am deeply, madly in love with you," those words remained unspoken, buried beneath layers of restraint. Revealing my true emotions would not only shatter Shawn but also jeopardize our friendship, a risk I was not willing to take. Besides, I doubted Elena reciprocated those feelings; after all, she had just called me a "potato head."

"I know you like Elena," Damien's voice cut through my thoughts as I sat perched at the bar.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I deflected, attempting to shield my true feelings.

"Hmm... I see the way you look at her. It's written all over your face. You can't hide it, Harry. So, spill the beans, are you going to keep up the charade?" Damien's smirk hinted at an impending confrontation. This was shaping up to end rough.

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