Chapter 17- Bad Harry

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She placed her hands around Harry's neck kissing him.

"Ummm..Hello." I say, distracting them. If Harry's playing games with me, he should stop because it's not funny at all. He surely knows how jealous I get.

"What is it?" Harry said, releasing his lips from the unknown whore. He didn't even care that I was right in front of them!

"Who's she?" I say, shutting the door violently. Harry should actually be the one treated with violence.

"She's my girlfriend." He said like it was something normal. Harry has never, ever had a girlfriend except fucking girls for one night just like he did to me. I bet he was even lying to me that he had feelings for me just to get to have a taste of me. I'm such a fool. I forgot I've always been. Change is never constant for Harry.

"Meet Emilia. Emilia this is Elena. My foolish bestie on." He introduced me to her. He only made me more upset. He called me Elena and a foolish friend and the rest....we both know. Well played Harry.

"Hey, Elena." She was going to shake hands with me. I looked at her in an irritating manner.

"I don't get this. Since when did you have a girlfriend?" We had sex last night and he said he loved me and now he's telling me he has a fucking girlfriend?

"Well..." He says looking at his watch.

"Should be an hour ago. We met online. I thought about what you said about having a girlfriend."

"But that was a long time ago." Please Harry tell me you're just playing pranks.

"Yeah, but I realised I was interested in her. I tried my best on some other girl but I don't think she's very much interested in this." He winks at me.

You got to be kidding me! If this was what he thought, then he's such a dick head.

"We'll be in my room. If we need anything I call you. I don't want to miss this fun. Up we go baby." He carried her up, taking her to his room.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Oh baby. I want you more than ever." She poured kisses on his neck. I stared at them in anger until the sound of Harry's door closed loudly.

I paced around impatiently for fifteen minutes but Harry isn't out of his room. They can't be having sex right now, can they?

I put my ear closely to the door. I had to clear my doubts and suddenly I heard....

"Oh, fuck me baby.....RIGHT THERE." Emilia moaned.
I moved away from the door instantly. My heart fell off. I didn't realize when a tear or two fell from my eyes. I can't believe he did this to me. He knew I loved him and he broke my heart purposely.

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