Chapter 50: You can fight this

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"Stay with me, El. Please. Okay?" I stay close to her as she was rushed hurriedly to the emergency unit.

"Ha...rry... don't feel guilty." She mustered all her strength to speak.

"'re bleeding."

"Harry, always know that i love you." She reminds me.

"Stop this nonsense, El. You're not dying. It's just one bullet so don't give me that speech. You can fight this for me right?" I wanted a reassurance from her.

She nods her head gently. Before i knew it, she was in for surgery. I close my eyes, praying for the surgery to be successful. She really lost a lot of blood. El,  please you can fight this. Do this for me. We still have a lot to catch up to. I haven't had enough time to shower you all the love you wanted. I really wish i was in your place right now. I deserve it. I was the one who betrayed my best friend trust. I took advantage of the opportunity i had. But still, I won't regret loving you. I really wish Shawn didn't go this far because now he has been arrested. He shouldn't have gone this far.

With my eyes still shut, someone pulled my shirt, hitting me on the chest.

"I told you to stay away from her. This is all your fault!" Jade held me closely, anger and tears pouring out of her eyes.

"My poor baby. I just hope she will be all right. She better be! Oh god, she's all i have. Elena wouldn't just listen to me. I told her severally but no i was just barking like a dog to her and now she's fighting for her life for someone not worth it. You're ..."

"Jade, that's enough. It's not his fault." Malcom stops her from saying one more word.

"Not his fault? Malcom, you say that because you know nothing about our daughter! This guy here.....oh, Shawn's ex best friend has been taking advantage of our daughter."


"No, that's not true. I wasn't taking advantage of her." I correct her.

"Then what was it then? Elena kept on ending in the hospital because of you. Because you always hurt her. You were taking advantage of her feelings for you. Why didn't you just stay away as i told you?"

"Harry, is this true?" Elena's dad asks me.

"Yes, I love her but ..."

He slapped me before i could even finish.

"I can't believe you, Harry. I treated you like a son. You were like a son to me but yet you betrayed me by taking advantage of my daughter." He says, disappointed.

"Sir, Please i would never hurt her."

"Then what is this?"

"Shawn lost control. It's all my fault. I accept the fact that all this happened because of me but.."

"Accepting the fact doesn't change anything! Leave before i do something I'd regret."


"Just leave."


Music flowed everywhere in the club. Everyone here was partying while i was getting myself drunk. I feel so useless. I don't know what to do.

"Hey baby." Some random drunk girl approaches me.

"Don't you want to have some fun?"

Even when I'm at the close of getting completely drunk, I could still tell the difference between a teen and someone more of my age. This girl should be sixteen.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

" got me there. I guess my make up couldn't conceal it enough. I just wanted to have some fun here you know but you don't seem like someone who came here to have fun. You look ... " She scans me carefully.

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