Chapter 27: She takes control

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Shawn's POV

I was confused and scared at the moment. Was she going to shank me with a fork?! My mind went to the thought of her destroying  my 'business'. She's a psychopath! She can do anything.

I felt her cold hands on my feet. What is she doing?

"Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom." I say quickly before anything happens.

"Oh, found it!" She says, coming out slowly beneath the table.

I shouldn't have accepted to this dinner in the first place. I went straight to my room, calming my nerves. A flash reminder came through my mind. The day we were at the beach.

"What would you do if Elena was cheating at your back with Harry?"

Why the hell did that even come across my mind?  Elena has been loyal to me. If she had feelings for Harry I would have known but it's not even possible. I don't even want to think about it.

"Baby, why did you run away from me?" A feminine voice came from behind, wrapping her hands around my waist.

My eyes saw the reflection in the mirror. It's the bitch again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I removed her hands around me aggressively.

"It's you baby. You make me crazy."  She speaks like some drunk lady, putting her hands round my neck from behind, sending kisses around my neck. I find myself not stopping her.

"Baby, don't be scared okay. She is not going to find out. I know you want me. You're're just resisting me. She zips down my trousers, her hands dipping into my underwear, grabbing her main target. She massages my cock, making me feel the urge of wanting her. She knew I wanted more. It's been a while since Elena and I had an impact. I'm not sure but I feel like she has been resisting me and now I'm feeling so good in the hands of her best friend, Anna but really, what does she want from me?

"How did you get in here?" I asked slowly as I felt her hands on me.

She smiled before speaking.

"Told them I was going to the bathroom." She smiles lustfully.

"I think you should be done by now." I say, stopping her before we get caught.

"Oh, Shawn. I want you right now." She cups my cheeks, kissing me like it was her last chance.

"Why are you doing this? What's in it for you?" I ask.

"All I just want is for you to love me, Shawn. I would do anything for you. I just want you. I swear." She kissed me again but I stop her this time, zipping up my shorts.

"I don't believe you." I stood up from my bed, digging a hand into my dark hair.

"I hate what she has done to you. You can't even see that she's cheating on you. You..." She stands up, pointing a finger across my chest.

"You don't want to believe it."

"Elena has never cheated on me." I defend her. I was even the one cheating on her. I can never be forgiven.

" think she's all innocent. Why don't you play smart with her. Tell her you're coming home late. Surprise your 'innocent' Elena. I'm sure by then you would believe me."

"That is totally bullshit."

A knock distracted us, making my heart beat accelerate.

"Shawn are you there?" Elena knocks again.

"Shit." I cover my face, thinking of what I should do at the moment. My mind was totally out of ideas.

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