Chapter 31: Broken trust

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Elena's POV

I got out of bed in a tired state. Last night memories were coming back to me. Shawn was so angry with me. I need to make it up to him before he does something stupid. I understand Shawn more than anyone else. I went to the bathroom, had a quick brush and shower. I dry my hair then wore a black Jean with a purple hoodie and put on some white sneakers. Shawn should be waiting for me outside so he could drive me to school. I got out of my room thinking Shawn was waiting for me but there was no sight of him.

"Morning sunshine." I felt someone hands wrap around my waist. Shawn. He does this sometimes and also cooks a delicious meal when he wants to apologize to me or something.

"Shawn..." I giggled.

"No, it's Harry." He released me from his touch, walking away from me. He was jealous.

"I'm so stupid." He mutters but I could hear him perfectly. He sits down, running a hand through his hair.

He diverted his eyes to another place avoiding contact with me. I follow his turns as he kept on avoiding our eyes meeting.

"Harry, you don't understand." I finally got to lift up his chin so he could look at me.

"I thought you were mine, El." He says weakly.

"Harry, I swear I'm yours. I love you." I try to make him believe me.

"Nobody else? You only love me?" He speaks with jealousy evident in his look.

"Nobody else. Please don't avoid me. I might do something stupid." I smirk.

"Like what?" He licks his lips, waiting for my response.

"Kill myself on you?" I sit on his laps, wanting to kiss him but I remember Shawn! He could see us.

"Don't worry. He went out." Harry speaks.

"When? Why?" I asked confused and worried.

"He went to his studio. So, I'm taking you to school unless you change your mind. We have enough time to explore." Harry winks.

"That will be for another day." I pull him up.

"Are we going to my room?" He says, feeling almost excited.

"No, we're going to school." I giggle, taking the keys on the table.

", school, school. Does school beat the fun we could have in my room?" He whined.

"Yeah. Maybe I should drive." I hold hands with Harry as we walked out of the house.

"No way! I'll drive. I won't love to see my head rolling on the streets." He grabs the keys from me instantly.

"I can drive!" I say loudly.

"Oh, trust me. You can't." He went back into the house.

"Where are you going?!" I ask.

"Forgot something. I'll be right back."

He came out within some minutes.

"Packed some food for you." He hands it over to me.

"Awwn..thanks." I kiss him, forgetting we were now outside.

He opens the door for me, making me smile. He got into the car and drove off. My mind gets drawn to Shawn. Was he really in the studio?

"El...." Harry calls me but I pay no attention.

"El...El!" Harry calls loudly this time.

"Yeah? You were saying?"

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