Chapter 56: Meeting with my Ex

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I TRY HARD to look at the person in front of me. I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination or i was just thinking too much.

"Anna?" I move backwards avoiding my fear until i bump into Sharon.

"What was that?!" Sharon looked perplexed, looking at what ever could have scared me that much.

"Look over there. Anna's here. She's...she's going to kill me. I know it." I spoke with fear streaming down my body. It was hard to breathe with Anna on my mind. I was losing it.

"What are you saying? There's...there's no one there." Sharon was getting confused. She held my arms, checking for any sign of illness.

"Are you alright, Elena? Should we postpone the wedding?"

"No, I'm perfectly fine." I walk away.

"Where are you going?!"

"Meet me in the car. I need to meet someone." I need to see Shawn. I don't know if this is right but i need to see him. Maybe he had contacted with her once. I was losing my mind and my patience was running out.

My phone rings loudly as i drive on the road.

"Sharon, please answer the call and put it on speaker."

"Okay." She replied, doing as i had requested.

"El, where are you?" Harry's voice sounded impatient.

"I'm...I'm driving." I answered stupidly. I just don't want him to know I'm going to see Shawn. He'd lose his mind.

"Where are you? What are you up to El?" I guess he noticed that i was hiding something.

"Oh...umm..I just want to see a friend." I stammered.

"You don't have any friends except..." He pauses and continue. "Just tell me where the hell you are! I'm worried sick about you El. Our wedding is in five days. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"She's heading over to her Ex, Harry." Sharon said over the phone.

"Why did you...Shit." I muttered.

"What? El, Is that true? Don't lie to me."

"Harry i just want to ask a few questions that's all." I say with a pleading voice. Sharon just got me in a mess.

"Leave those fucking questions to the police." He tried to calm himself but i could feel his anger in his words. "Don't go." 

"I will call you later. I love you." I hung up the phone as i reached the parking lot.

"Why did you do that?" Sharon asks me, surprised at my unruly behavior.

"Why did you do that too? You can stay in the car or come with me."

" Ugh... fine, I'm coming." She steps out of the car, trying to catch up with me.


"You have a visitor." The security guard opens the door, letting Shawn out of his cell. He looked surprised to see me but still, i could feel he's still reminded of our last incident, my betrayal to him.

I put my ear over the phone as he did same slowly. He didn't speak and I didn't want to either. I knew apologizing won't work.

"What do you want?" He spoke with a spark of anger in his tone.

"I just wanted see how you were doing."

"Should i say I'm fine? I'm okay? I'm doing just great? By the way, why would you come so far to see me? What now, Harry isn't doing great at that spot. MY SPOT." He chuckles and continue.

My chest tightens at his words. The guilt inside of me grows more.

"I keep forgetting you're no longer mine. You're with my Ex best friend now. He must be having a good time with you since I'm no longer around." 

It has hard to speak with this guilt possessing my body. I was unfair to him. I hurt him. I betrayed him.

"S..hawn... please." I muster the strength left out of me to speak.

"You have a ring in your hand? You're getting married?" His tone became more aggressive. I knew Shawn that much. Even if i hurt him that much, the thought of letting me go is what he couldn't survive. He's still in love with me.

"It's not even a month, Elena. Why did you come to me? I feel like I'm wasting all my strength talking to you." His voice is weak and wounded.


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