Chapter 6: Saving Elena

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Elena's POV

I was at the bathroom changing my clothes. Anna, impatient as ever, couldn't wait, claiming she didn't want to miss out on the fun. How rude. After finally slipping into my bikini, the door creaked open. Assuming it was another woman entering the female bathroom, I didn't pay much heed. Then, out of the blue, someone banged on my door, sending a jolt of fear through me.

"Someone's here," I muttered, hastily packing my clothes into my bag.

The banging persisted, fueling my frustration. "I said someone's here. Are you deaf?" I snapped at the intruder.

"I hear you, cupcake. Just trying to grab your attention," the mysterious voice replied.

"I couldn't care less," I retorted, brushing off the voice that dared to address me.

"Come out, come out. I know you're done and I've been eagerly waiting for you, darling," The  deep masculine voice persisted, growing increasingly irritating.

"This is a ladies bathroom. Leave or I'm calling security." I cautioned firmly.

"I don't see any ladies." He chuckled, with a hint of seriousness on his face.

"Come out or I'm going to break the door." he threatened, his tone turning more aggressive.

"What?! Please leave me alone." I pleaded, feeling a surge of panic rising within me.

"I'm gonna count to three. One,"

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Two," he continued counting.

"Help! Someone, help me!" I cried out, realizing that my fate hung in the balance with no rescue in sight.

"Three," he burst in, seizing me tightly.

"Nowhere to hide now, sweetheart," he sneered, his eyes filled with a disturbing desire as they roamed over my figure.

The impending horror of what was about to happen dawned on me, regret flooding my mind. If only I had listened to Shawn and learned karate, maybe I could have fought back. I had been lazy, and now it was too late.

Harry's pov

I glanced around, searching for Elena, but she was nowhere to be found. Where on earth could she have disappeared to? I turned to Anna, who was engrossed in the company of other girls, and inquired, "Where could Elena be?"

"She might still be in the bathroom. I didn't wait for her," Anna replied casually, applying sunscreen to her skin.

A sense of unease crept over me as I made my way to the bathroom. Something felt off.

Suddenly, a piercing scream filled the air, echoing with the sound of someone in distress. It was Elena! Without a second thought, I burst into the bathroom, disregarding any concerns about gender-specific spaces. This wasn't my first time breaking such norms. To my shock, I found a stranger attempting to harm Elena! I forcefully pulled him away from her instantly, punching him severally on the face and anywhere else my hands could meet. He didn't know who he was messing with. The sheer rage on my face seemed to scare him, prompting him to flee for his life. I swear, if he hadn't run, I would have made sure he regretted his actions.

"Are you okay?" I blurted out, even though the answer was painfully obvious. In a sudden twist, Elena's hands enveloped my arms, her body pressed closely against mine. She wept, seeking solace from me, yet all I could hear was the chaotic drumming of my own heart, screaming, 'What are you doing to me, El?'

"I thought it was all over. How did you find me?" Her question broke through my tumultuous thoughts, momentarily diverting my attention from the whirlwind of emotions.

"Anna told me." I replied, attempting to regain my composure.

"Thank you. I owe you a lot," Elena expressed her gratitude sincerely.

"Hmm... speaking of which..." I trailed off, contemplating a favor that had crossed my mind.

"I don't mean it like that! It's just a normal thing to say when you appreciate something, idiot," she retorted, playfully hitting me on the back.

"I just saved your butt. You know that, right?" I teased with a smirk, reveling in the banter.

"It's your duty. You know that, right?" She shot back, her tone light yet laced with familiarity. As she clasped my hand, an unexpected wave of nerves washed over me. It wasn't the first time we had held hands, but this time felt different. Maybe I really do need to see a doctor.

In a sudden impulse, I gently withdrew my hand from hers, leaving her puzzled and concerned, the unspoken tension hanging in the air.

"Is something wrong?" She inquired, looking puzzled.

"Does my hand smell funky?" She sniffed it in an awkward manner. She had her quirky moments, and that was one of the things I liked about her.

"Nah," I responded swiftly.

"Then why'd you pull away?" She probed further, seeking clarity.

"Can we just move on from this?" I snapped, my tone sharper than intended. The sudden reaction caught even me off guard, leaving me without a valid explanation. No questions, no answers.

"Alright," she replied slowly, her words carrying a hint of hurt beneath the surface.

"El," I called out, but her strides outpaced mine, carrying her further away.

"Save it," she retorted, her steps resolute.

As Shawn caught sight of us walking together in the distance, a guy whispered something to him, the words lost to me. Yet, a sense of unease crept over me, suspecting that our interaction had sparked some gossip.

"What if Elena was two-timing you with Harry behind your back?" The guy's sudden question to Shawn pierced the air.

"Why even ask that? That's never gonna happen. Elena and Harry are like family. Harry wouldn't even think of that. He's my ride or die," Shawn responded emphatically, defending the bond he shared with Harry and the trust he held for Elena.

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