Chapter 52: The unexpected

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My mom pulls me outside the room to have a talk with me. I knew it was about Harry and I. She thinks Harry will end up hurting me but she doesn't know Harry's far from doing that. He loves me as much as i do.

"Elena, he's not best for you. Your image has been ruined because of him." She said, worriedly.

"Well, i don't care what people say." I retorted back.

"Because he told you that? Elena, do you love him that much?" She asks with uncertainty.

"Yes, mom. Please, just accept him. I don't want us to argue about this." I held her hands in high hopes.

"But i want what's best for you as a mother."

"This is it. There's no one else." I gave her reassurance.

"You're sure?"

I nod my head and hug her as she gave a smile. I need her to support me in this.

We all left the hospital with the paparazzi tailing us like cockroaches. I almost lost my breathe. Without even telling Harry, he knew i wouldn't want to go back to Shawn's house. I don't want to be reminded of that incident. But where was he taking me?

"Harry, where are we going?" I asked while Harry drove.

"My house."

" have a house here?" I looked confounded.

"Yep. And we're here." He parks into the garage while i marvel at it's beauty. Harry had a mansion and he never told me.

"What's wrong?" He puts his hands around my arms while i still looked astonished.

"Why did you stay at Shawn's place if you had a house here in Seattle?"

"Hmm..good question. I bought this house for us before i left for England."

"I don't understand. We were never..."

"I know El..I had to stay at Shawn's place to really be sure if you had feelings for me. You know back in highschool, I knew you had a crush on me."

"No, that's not true." I try to hide my burning red cheeks.

"And you're denying it like always." He smirks.

"Well, i don't think there's any use to deny it. So tell me, when were you head over hills for me? I want to know." I asked as i look around the house. It's so beautiful.

"That's a secret." He wraps his hands around me, kissing me around my neck.

"Isn't it too early for this, Harry." I hear someone speak. Gladly, it was Sharon just coming in.

"We do it anytime." Harry smirks, diverting his eyes to me with a wink. I hit him on his arm, denying what he said.

"That's not true!"

Sharon laughs away while Harry and i kept arguing on how many rounds we go. He's so annoying!

"I think I'll be enjoying this for a couple of days before i leave back for work." Sharon moves in her small luggage heading to the guest room Harry described.


SHE WAS HERE. I felt her presence in my room but was i in a dream?

"You took everything away from me and now I'm going to take away every single thing you love." She says in a revengeful tone.

"Hey, hey, El, relax." I feel someone's hands around me, taking me away from that horrible nightmare. He kisses my temples, calming me down. I hold him tight as if i was going to lose him.

"Harry...." I caress his cheeks, touching his face his face like it was the last time.

"El, what did you dream about?" Harry asked me but i was too scared to talk about it. The thought alone is torturing me.

"TELL ME." He demanded.

"You died in my dream." I cry silently, wiping away my tears.

Harry covers his face, feeling unsettled.

"Anna again?" He asked.

This was the third time i was having this dream.

"It's been one week since the incident happened but still, there's no sign of her, Harry, She's up to something. I know Anna that much. She's just waiting for the right time to strike back."

"Well, She's got it."

"I don't understand."

"Let's get married."

Well, that took me by surprise.

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