Chapter 36: He never wanted me

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Elena's POV

"Is everything okay? I thought I heard loud voices." My dad came in looking worried.

Harry releases my hands, lowering his head. Was he crying? Cause I was sure I heard sniffles.

"No, nothing's wrong dad."I say, assuring him.

"You're sure?" He doubts.


"I'm leaving." Harry stood up, not looking at me. He was still angry. How can I just make him understand.

"Harry, where are you going?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" He spoke rudely, still not turning back to look at me. He slams the door loudly in anger, enough to burst my ear drums.

"What was that about?" My dad says looking puzzled.

"It's nothing dad."

"Something smells fishy. Ely is there something I need to know?" My dad stares into my eyes deeply, trying to make me speak.

"Uh..what are you doing dad? Nothing's going on between Harry and I?"

"Hmm...i never said something was going on. That means something is going on and I think..."

The door distracted us as it opened, revealing my mom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"Social media does it all." She chuckles, but her expression changes into shock as she saw the person next to me.

"Hey, Jade." My dad speaks but I feel like someone wasn't welcomed in here.

"Hey, Malcolm. You showed up." She takes a deep breathe, trying to hide the fact that she was nervous.

"Yes, for my daughter."

"I think this room can accept two more patients." I stood up from the bed carefully.

"You're leaving?" My mom asks me, giving me a sign to not leave.

"Yes, I'm alright but you guys are not. If there's an emergency, dial my number straight away." I giggled silently, leaving the room for them.

Just as I shut the door, I bump into someone I never thought would show up, Shawn.

"Hey..." Shawn says, feeling guilty.

"Hey." I walk further, avoiding eye contact.

"Elena, I know apologizing might be bull shit to you..."

"Absolutely." I cut him off.

He looked startled but continues.

"I was angry at the moment and I wasn't thinking."

I nod my head to every word he spoke.

"Why her, Shawn? If it was another girl it wouldn't hurt me this much but it was Amelia. If you love her so much why don't you go back to the club and fuck her badly. The whole world will gladly appreciate it!" I try holding in my anger but tears fought it's way.

"Elena..." He put his hands on me but i push him away.

"Don't touch me. You already lost the right to my body. I think it's best we..."

"Please don't Elena. Don't say it! Please. I don't know what I would do without you. Please don't leave me." He begs on his knees. I feel sad and subjected to him. As much as I want to do the right thing, breaking up with Shawn might push him to ending his life and I don't want to bear that guilt. He needs me.

"Last chance. Any more mistake and we're over." I warned.

"I promise to make it up to you, Elena." He hugs me tightly. For a second, I thought I saw a girl's shadow which was fading away. Maybe I was seeing things.

Anna's pov

I wanted to cry so badly as I saw Shawn beg Elena. He never wanted me. I was nothing to him. It hurts so much, so much! I want to do something! I need to do something! I can't just sit here and wait while someone takes what is mine. But...she's mine my friend. No, she isn't! If she was, she would have let him go but she didn't. She's selfish and I need to put her in her place no matter what it will cost me.

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