Chapter 44: You're all I need

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I could hear the sound of my heart beat in accordance with my fear. Oh no what should I do? This is going to be a nightmare. I just stood there like someone that has been electrocuted.

He releases his crossed arms away from his chest, walking towards me with a smile on his face. Gosh, what is he going to think of me once he finds out? I'm so scared that I can't even make a move.

"What's wrong? You were busy smiling a while ago. And I haven't seen that in a long time. I haven't even made you smile a long while now. So who's this person that cracked the code, huh?" He picked my phone from the bed.

This is the end. Someone please shoot me.

"Shawn...." Harry called.

My heart beat slowed down. I opened my eyes, feeling so thankful for the save.

"Yeah?" Shawn turned back, wondering what Harry had to say.

"Your...this is so weird..." he mumbled.

"What is it?"

"You got... you have a bird poo on your butt."

"What?!" Shawn screams weirdly.

He dropped the phone back on the bed, pulling off his shorts. He was now left on with his boxers.

I was about to quickly take my phone but he hit my hands, giving me a smirk.

"You think I would forget?"

He took the phone again, pressed the switch on button and viewed the screen.

"Shawn, I'm sorry. I can explain." I say, feeling defeated.

"You mean the fact that you put a password on your phone? Since when?" Shawn wasn't happy about this but still I was so grateful to the security idea.

"Um...I..." Think Elena, think.

"Don't tell me you put a password because of that chick I saw you video call with? Harry spoke quickly.
What is he talking about? He's getting me confused.

"What chick?" Shawn faced me.

"Yeah, what chick?" I face Harry. He hit his face with his palm, awakening my senses.

"Oooh...yeah. My cousin, Sharon." I say quickly.

"What's so bad about that?" Shawn speaks.

"She just got married and I don't think she needs any spare Tyre." I frown. I actually remember when I did a video call with her once and Harry was around. He wouldn't stop complimenting her beauty. I roll my eyes at the thought of it.

"Oh, that explains it. Really Harry?" Shawn faces him and he faces me back with a glare on his face. I laugh silently, enjoying the drama.

"I...didn't know she was married. She was just too se...xy." Harry looks at me, smirking and I shot him a glare.

"She isn't that sexy alright." I say out of jealously. Wait a minute, this isn't even worth arguing! She's married with kids. Three in fact!

"Of course she is." Harry smirks again.

"I don't know what you guys are getting at but Harry, stay off the married woman." Shawn said but Harry was distracted by a message on his phone.

"WHAT THE HELL." He looked stunned as he stares deeply into his phone.

"What happened?" I asked, worriedly.

"I..." He looks at Shawn and pauses. " I have to go."

"Harry, what is it?" Shawn asked.

"There's no need to worry. Just get your ass to the airport. Your driver is here."

"But..." Harry was gone in a flash.

"What's up with him?" Shawn looked confounded.

"You have somewhere to go, Mr." I carry his luggage from the bed but he collects it from me, handing me my phone.

"Please, don't stress yourself. I can do this."

"Shawn, you need to stop treating me like a baby you know."

"But that's what you are." He tickles me playfully. I fall on the bed as i try to resist his touch.

"Oh god, I wish I could fuck you right now." Shawn digs a hand through his hair, looking at me with so much lust.

"But you can't. You need to be at the airport in one piece, remember?" I remind him.

"Stop making this hard for me, Elena. I missed you so badly." He comes on bed with me, planting kisses around my exposed areas.


"Please just once. I'll make it quick. I promise."

Harry won't be happy about this. I can't do this anymore.

"Shawn..." He pulled off my underwear before I could decline. I don't feel good about this. If i say no, Shawn will suspect I'm on to something. I've been resisting him lately.

He adored my legs with kisses. He kissed my toes, biting them softly. My body reacted to his touch. His lips were now on my thigh.

"Baby, you are all I need." he said, adoring every of my exposed areas.

I don't want to do this. Not with him.

A call distracted us. It was Shawn's phone.

"Where are you?!" The person's voice blared about so much that i could hear.

Shawn looked so frustrated.

"Dennis, I'm in the middle of something."

"You need to get your ass at the airport right now! You're going to miss your flight!"

"Shit." He muttered, wearing another pair of trousers.

"We're going to do this when I get back then." Shawn carried his luggage outside. I was extremely happy. I went outside forgetting I was no longer on my underwear.

"Should I come with you to the airport?" I asked.

"No need Elena. Rest." He shuts the door and I'm left alone.

I tried calling Harry but he wasn't picking up. I was getting worried.

Suddenly a text came in.

From Harry: I'll be back soon. Get prepared.

I smiled so much that my cheeks started to hurt. I switched on the television, watching a movie.

I heard the door open. I knew it was Harry. Yes, it was him.

"Where were you? I was so worried about you." I fell on his arms, kissing him passionately.

"I went to settle some things. I don't want to tell you yet so you wouldn't lose interest in what i want to do to you." His hands gripped my butt tightly. He gave me a weird look, opening my short gown.

"Why aren't you on your panties?"

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