Chapter 32: A share is what i want

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Harry's pov

I was not so surprised to see Shawn making out with Amelia. He was obviously getting back at Elena. I could see Damien with his other friends staring at the scene with wild eyes. I just didn't want Elena to see this. It's going to end roughly and Shawn doesn't know who's messing with cause Damien's going to have his revenge. Amelia is like the back of his bone that he can't easily let go but someone's breaking it.

"Uhm...let's get out of here." I grab Elena's hand quickly, making sure she doesn't see what was before her but no, her friend, Anna is just as surprised to not keep her mouth shut.

"Elena...your... boy....friend, Shawn."

As Elena caught those two, her face melted away into rage. She wasn't that sweet Elena anymore. She wasn't that girl I thought would hide her emotions. She wasn't my El at that moment. She was someone else.

She laughed weirdly, pauses and laughs again. She turned back, taking the bottle of whiskey Anna should have emptied, gulping it down like some lunatic.

"Elena what are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Oh trust me, Harry. I don't want to be me when I get to that bitch. I want to be a crazy hell of a bitch." She grinned and made a 'ah' sound like she was satisfied. She stood up from her seat, looking again at what was in front of her. Amelia saw her watching and smiled wickedly, pulling Shawn more closer to her, fulfilling her worst desires.

Elena was heading to them full with rage but the crowd made me lose focus. After everywhere was cleared a little bit, I couldn't find angry Elena but Shawn was still with Amelia. I looked around again but she was no where. It was just like.....just like she disappeared.

Elena's pov

Just as I was about heading to deal with that so called bitch, I could feel my head spinning. I was feeling dizzy and it was so hot. I felt isolated.

As I tried my best to walk further but a hand pulls me away to god knows where. I was so weak to react or scream. He pulled me outside the club where no one knew will get a sight of me. Everything was blur but I tried my best to look at his face.

"Ha...rry?" I thought at first but the male figure corrected me with a wicked grin on his face.

"No, it's Damien and I would like to get a Share of you."

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