Chapter 42: She's got me

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Harry's POV

I drove while Elena and Shawn were at the back seat. I keep on peeping through the front mirror to see what was going on without my knowledge. True, i need to learn on trusting Elena but this is going to be very difficult cause i hate to share. She's mine alone. My face hardens, seeing him kiss her on her forehead. I could tell he wants to have her anytime soon. She's wrapped around him and it makes me uncomfortable. Why am i getting this jealous? Elena looks at me, giving me assurance. That was all i need.

Almost at Shawn's place, we could see the Paparazzi waiting for our arrival. It's like we've been watched. Elena groans in frustration.

"Can't they just leave us in peace? I haven't had breakfast, not even lunch. There's no strength for a speech."

"You need to get use to this. You're now the center of attraction, Miss Ryder." I smirk, devilish thoughts playing in my mind.

I got out of the car only to be welcomed with irksome questions.

"Mr Grey! Mr. Grey, please...just a few questions for you." A lady in glasses pushes her way in. Ugh, she's still going to ask even if i say no.

"Mr. Grey, please we need to know why you planned on leaving the country. Were you running from something? Or are you in a secret relationship?"

I pause for a moment, thinking deeply on her last sentences. She was right about everything. I could see Elena staring deeply into me, waiting for what i was about to say.

"Yes, I'm in a secret relationship and I wouldn't like to disclose. Excuse me."

"Miss Ryder... are you still pressing charges on Damien white for alleged sexual assault? And why is your best friend trying to kill you? Did you guys have some misunderstanding? Did you know about the death of Amelia Marne?"

It was obvious Elena was shocked about Amelia's death. So was I? Did Anna have a hand in this?


SHAWN IS ON a call with his manager. His voice is hitched and he didn't look excited.

"Why are you telling me this now? One week?! I can't. My girlfriend just got back from the hospital. You know that. She's more important. I don't know okay. I wasn't planned for this. Alright...yeah. We'll talk later."

"Shawn, what's wrong?" Elena says, drinking a glass of water.

"There's a concert in South Africa. And my manager said I need to be there."

"Then go."

"I can't leave you. It won't be fair."

"Shawn, I'm not complaining. I can take care of myself." I convince him.

"No, you can't." He says weirdly. "You're. bad. at .driving. And I can't take that risk again."

"Shawn, did you check my driving test scores?" She looks at him sternly.


"Trust me, I'm good at this. It had nothing to do with the accident. And I'm going to drive you to the airport whether you like it or not."

"You haven't healed up yet, Elena."

"You need a bigger and better excuse, Shawn. I'm driving." She folds her arms.

"I'm only going to go if you agree on not driving me to the airport. I need to be in one piece."

"Fine." She sighs.

"But who's going to stay with you? You're so careless sometimes."

"She's got me." I felt so much excitement. I finally have her all to myself. There's so much i want to do to you, El.

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