Chapter 51: I'm right here

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Harry's POV

"Harry, Harry...wake up..." I hear whispering voices all around my head but i just couldn't pull myself out from this illusion. Elena left me.

"Harry...wake long has he been out?" Elena asks the doctor.

"Almost sixteen hours. He probably drank too much." The doctor replies.

"Harry...please wake up. I'm right here. Please... Elena is here."

That voice sounded familiar. It was her but how? Where is that voice coming from? I try my best to draw myself out and i was finally able to open my eyes. I was surrounded by people but out of them all, I saw the one person i thought was gone.

"Elena?" I hugged her tightly like I had lost her.

"I..thought...I thought you were dead. Your mom said.. Gosh..was i just dreaming?" I cover my face in embarrassment.

"Oh Harry," Elena laughs.

"Stop, it's not funny. How long did i pass out?" I ask, still a little shocked I was conscious for a long time.

"Sixteen hours ago."

"What?! That long."

"I guess you drank to much because of me. Baby, I'm right here. I promised you remember." She cupped my cheeks like a baby.

"Oh, El come here." I pull her close again for a tight hug which made her groan in pain.

"Ow, Harry. I just had surgery. My body aches. Can you hug softly?"

"Elena, you don't know what i went through for the past sixteen hours. I thought i lost you."

"But I'm right here. You just had a very bad dream. It's okay."


"Umm..Elena, when will you introduce me to your boyfriend?" The door opened and i saw someone i least expected.


I walk carefully to her and gave her a hug.

"I never thought you will come here."

"My cousin got shot and i wouldn't come here? El, even the people far away still cares about you. So, you guys are all over the news. I just wanted to hear it from you. Are you guys couples now?"

I look at Harry whose cheeks were almost turning red. And now i'm going to burst them.

"Nah. Not at all. We're just friends." I reply.

"Just friends?!" Harry exclaims.

" it more than that?"

"Elena...but you're my..." He pauses. I guess his tongue was all tied up.

"I'm your what?"

"I thought you were... my girlfriend." he lowered his head down staring at his fingers.

"Aww..that's so sweet." Sharon hugs me tightly.

"I am?" She asked a bit surprised. She wasn't expecting this. I guess she never thought we had already gone this far.

"Stupid girl...where you blind? Do i have to say the word? Of course you're my girlfriend and i'm yours. You're all mine." He pulled me to the bed selfishly, holding my hands tightly.

"I want to kiss you right now but i don't want Sharon to get a bad impression." He whispered. I could help but giggle at his sweet words.

"I know what's going on here. So, I will leave you guys to it."

We both nod our head and watch the door get shut then we turn our gazes back to each other.

He pulls me closer to him, letting our lips melt over in a heated battle. All i wanted was him.

"El, I love you. Please don't forget that no matter what happens."

"I know, baby face. There's no one else who could treat you better." I move my hands round his body, going down there.

"You're messing with me again, aren't you?" He grins, our breathe so close.

"I'm not just messing with you Mr. Grey. I want to make you beg for more." I smirk.

"Hmm.. that's my line. Who knew the young innocent Elena would be like this in a couple of months." He smirks, going into my pants.

I bit my lips hard as i felt his fingers inside of me.

"You want to say something, El. Should i stop?" Harry messes with me.

"No, no..please." I beg.

"I didn't hear you." He pulls out, leaving me in an incomplete state.

"Please...touch me..." I beg not caring if it was a little embarrassing.

He takes a deep breathe and smiles.

"Now, that's me...i will touch you when we get enough time but if i touch you right now. I promise you, this bed will break into two."

I laugh and hit him playfully on his chest.

"You can never change, Harry."

"But you did change me and i love every part of it."

"But the press hates me so much right now. Do you know what they call me? A lying bitch, A whore...I was better off dead..I'm..."

"Shh.." He puts his finger over my lips.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care if the entire world thinks we're selfish for loving each other. I don't care about the names they call you. You'd always still be mine, El."

"I love you, Harry." I hug him softly.

The door opens, revealing an angry mom.

"Elena, we need to talk."

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