Chapter 33: Put her in her place.

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Harry's POV

I searched everywhere for Elena but I couldn't find her. I thought of where she could be but i just couldn't think at the moment. I was so worried. I thought again for a moment when I didn't see Damien. He was right here. Damien, Elena. Don't tell me he...Oh god. Anger gripped me as I held Shawn by his collar.

"I swear to god, if anything happens to Elena. I'm going to fucking kill you." I release him from my grip and left the club. If Damien is having his revenge there's only one place he would go to; his house.

"'s fine. He's just pissed at you." Amelia tries to comfort him but he pushes her away.

"Get off me you bitch!" He stood up, leaving the club.

Anna's pov

I was hurt to see Shawn with Amelia. Off all people, Amelia. I wipe away my tears after coming up with a good bad idea. I think I need to put some people in their places.

I walk up to boyfriend stealer who was already in the bathroom, toning her make up. Immediately she saw me walk in, she wiped away her tears. Was she really crying? I laughed inside of me. What am going to do to you will be worse than those crocodile tears. I'll put an end to this.

She looks at me, trying to figure out where she had seen me.

"Wait a minute..." she pouts.

"Aren't you Elena's friend?" She smiles wickedly.

"Yeah, I am." I smile back at her.

"I know you guys enjoyed the scene a lot. It was just so.....ah....awesome." 

I kept mute but my eyes were fixed on her.

"You know there's something about you that confuses me. I caught you staring at me a while ago. There's something about that." She said as she applied mascara.

I brought out a knife, ready to stab the bitch but someone came in. I quickly hid the knife in my jacket. She was just so lucky.

Amelia looks at me again before leaving the bathroom.

"You're so weird."

Elena's pov

I was so weak to protect myself as Damien cuffed my hands to his bed. I pleaded but he wasn't listening.

"Damien, please I beg you. Let me go. Please!" I beg weakly, using the little strength in me to stop him from pulling off my jeans.

"Just stop Elena. There's no escape. I'm still going fuck you, dear Elena. I want our video to go viral so much that Shawn will lose his goddamn mind and c'mon stop acting innocent like you haven't been sleeping with a Harry." He grins.

I was shocked to hear that. How did he know?!

"Stop thinking about it. I knew since we played truth or dare at the beach. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. So just close your eyes and think Harry is the one fucking you." He pulled my jeans off instantly.

I kicked him with my foot as his hands went too close to my underwear. I can't let him have his way. He groans on the floor in pains, standing up carefully, coming back on the bed. I was scared of him. I just wish Harry would show up here and save me. He always does.

"You're going to hate me so much, bitch." He blows me hard on the face, knocking me unconscious.

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