Chapter 25: She's mine

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Elena's POV

I could feel my heart beat faster than usual. My worst fear coming true. No, I'm not going to let this happen. Shawn can't do without me. He's going to break... I'm the closest thing he has to family. I stare at him closely, trying to be sure if he had been there long enough to hear everything but he wasn't. I could see the look in his eyes. He was unsure but scared I was going to betray him

"Shawn, I can explain! It's not what you think." Harry stood up, defending me. He knows what Shawn's capable of doing. He has anger issues.

"Shawn, what the hell are you talking about?! I was just going to tell Harry I loved his pair of slippers. Can't you see what he's wearing?" I'm a complete, total weirdo freak right now but i hope this works.

Shawn pauses, he's eyes going down to Harry's two different slippers, one was pink and the other was blue. I guess he mistakenly wore mine when he was rushing to take me to the hospital. Shawn busted in laughter.

"Did you really wear that?" Shawn covers his mouth as he laughed.

Harry's pov

I ruffled my hair angrily. Elena never told me I wore the wrong slippers. It was just because I was in an hurry to take her to the hospital. I was looking stupid in front of everyone.

I sigh.

"This is your fault Elena. Now the media is going see me as some freak show."

She pouts and shook out her tongue.

"Bro, I'm sorry. Elena please...I wasn't thinking." Shawn entwines his hands around hers and my look changes.

"It's okay, Shawn. I would have felt the same." I stood up, leaving them together not because i wish but because I couldn't stand seeing the way he touches her. It makes me feel insecure. A part of me just wanted all this to happen. Shawn finding out about it and breaks up with her so I can have her all to myself. I know I sound stingy but this is what ten years of waiting has done to me. She's mine.

I meet Anna few minutes I walked out of the room. I forgot to tell her but it seems news spreads quite faster.

"Hey...harry. Is she alright?" She spoke. Anna and I were not really close so we hardly talk much. She was friends with Shawn when we were young but I don't see the need to be close to her but without her we wouldn't have met Elena. I always thought she had a crush on Shawn when we were little but we were still young.

"Yeah.." I say, still not feeling in the mood to talk.

"Nice slippers." She laughs at me.

"You noticed?" I say, feeling so embarrassed.

"Of course! Am I free to take just one picture?" She teases.

"No way!" I sounded serious. I'm totally not ready to be a laughing stock on the media.

"If you say so." She walked into the ward.

"Mommy, that's Harry Grey!" A girl about eight screams my name. Oh, god. Not now. Being a friend to a celebrity made me a celebrity. I stare miserably at my weird slippers.

She finally got close to me as much as I try to avoid her.

"Oh, wow. Harry can i get your autograph? Please...." She pouts.

"That's all." I say, accepting her demands.

"Wow, nice slippers. Can I take a picture? Please..." She pleaded.

"Tara, let's go." Her mom called.

"Noo....." I say right in her face. Childish tricks won't work on me this time. Why is every one even asking for a picture. I felt like throwing the slippers into a waste bin but I wouldn't have any to wear so I had no choice.

"Okay." She walks to her mom but turns back taking a picture of me quickly.

"Fuck." I blurted out.

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