Chapter 3: Party and temptation

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WE WERE HAVING A 'welcome back party' at Shawn's house. Shawn made all the plans. Friends came, and girls you never met. The party was full of vibes. I was with Shawn. He was good at whispering sweet talks into my ear but deep down, my eyes wouldn't stop staring at the girl sucking Harry's lips. It was a dying taste my body craved for as I watched them closely. This is wrong. He's my boyfriend best friend! I shouldn't even be having such thoughts! I drifted my eyes away from them kissing Shawn, hoping it will be enough to distract me but I swear, Harry was all I could think of. I looked back at them again. The whore was grinding her ass on his laps. I felt like pouring out my anger on that bitch but all I could do was run away from them. I was broken.

"El, where are you going?" Shawn asked confused.

"To the bathroom." I ran, crying. I didn't want to turn my back him so he wouldn't question me. I shut myself inside the bathroom without realizing I was in Harry's room. The anger I felt inside made me forget the environment I was in.

I kept on crying like someone who lost a million dollars. My make up was ruined. The door creaked open, revealing Harry who unzipped his pants, ready to pee.

Before I could even exclaim, Harry spoke quickly.

"El, Why are you crying?!" Harry asked, forgetting is manhood was fully visible.

"That!" My mouth swung open, seeing his glory.

He looked down at what I was pointing then got the message.

"You're crying because of my penis?" Harry asked confusingly.

I shut my eyes. I didn't want temptation to take over me.

"Before we have this conversation, can you please kindly pull up your pants? And I wouldn't cry because of your penis." I said, with my eyes still shut.

"Oh, sorry El."

"Is it covered now?" I asked, my palm opening slowly.

"Yes. Can you now tell me what you were doing in my bathroom and why you're also crying."

"I swear, I didn't know it was your bathroom. I was just walking...i don't know okay." I cried the more.

"Did Shawn hurt you?" Harry asked in a low tone.

"No, no." I say, wiping off my tears.

"Then what is it?" He asked, concerned.

"It's about...." Should I tell him how I've been getting super crazy about him? No, that wouldn't make any sense.

"Talk to me." Harry's hands were already on me.

The way he touched made me feel like pouring all my imagination on his glorifying lips but this is totally wrong. Elena. you have a boyfriend!

"Stay away from me." I pushed him aside, running out of the bathroom to avoid any further words from Harry.

"El!" He called but i was out of the room.

"What did i do this time?" Harry murmured.

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